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Man of the Hour


Richardson told "Fox News Sunday" that he wouldn't respond by getting "in the gutter like that."


"That's typical of many of the people around Senator Clinton," Richardson said. "They think they have a sense of entitlement to the presidency."


Nice! An Obama/Richardson ticket is looking more attractive by the minute.


Amazing. I knew Hillary had an ego, but for her supporters to compare her to the Son of God betrayed for 30 pieces of silver... :noway:


Richardson is a cool guy. Ditto on the kudos. :tup:


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I knew someone who worked under Richardson and I was told that he was one of the worst managers ever.


Ever. And an arrogant prick as well if you were under him, and not over him where you'd get your ass kissed. I got plenty of for instances, but the one that I'd never seen anyone ever do was this: Richardson would routinely call you by a different name, say if your name was Steve, he'd call you Jim. You would correct him 3-4 times and then finally give up. One of his aides later said he did that to keep underlings off balance. What a dick. And a poor manager as well.



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I knew someone who worked under Richardson and I was told that he was one of the worst managers ever.


Ever. And an arrogant prick as well if you were under him, and not over him where you'd get your ass kissed. I got plenty of for instances, but the one that I'd never seen anyone ever do was this: Richardson would routinely call you by a different name, say if your name was Steve, he'd call you Jim. You would correct him 3-4 times and then finally give up. One of his aides later said he did that to keep underlings off balance. What a dick. And a poor manager as well.



Well...in consideration of more recent vice presidents, he's still looking mighty swell by comparison.



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I knew someone who worked under Richardson and I was told that he was one of the worst managers ever.


Ever. And an arrogant prick as well if you were under him, and not over him where you'd get your ass kissed. I got plenty of for instances, but the one that I'd never seen anyone ever do was this: Richardson would routinely call you by a different name, say if your name was Steve, he'd call you Jim. You would correct him 3-4 times and then finally give up. One of his aides later said he did that to keep underlings off balance. What a dick. And a poor manager as well.





i've got a family member who currently reports directly to B.R. who really enjoys working with him. has nothing but great things to say about him as a manager and a person.


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Interesting that you brought Cheney to this party SS, as he was able to capably run a 70,000 employee private company. I think he was pretty good at it as well.



You know Bill I think you’re the best but I have to disagree with ya in this….how do we know he was good at running his company of 70,000? The top 200 executives might have all been happy campers but lets not forget the rest of the crew….I work for a company with 5000 EE’s. Seems everybody hates there job…..unless you are in the upper tier corporate. He sure has failed at running the country……a pointless occupation that is costing 3 trillion in dept. The US economy collapsing because if it. I would say he is actually quite bad at managing for the good of the many.

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Interesting that you brought Cheney to this party SS, as he was able to capably run a 70,000 employee private company. I think he was pretty good at it as well.


If by "capably", you mean, steer it into being awarded billions in no-bid contracts to become history's most lucrative war profiteering firm that essentially turned the US Government into it's own little bitch, then yes, he's been extremely capable and effective.


My point was simply that if Richardson is really an asshole to work for, we can at least hope his politics and policies would be an improvement over this ruthless son of a bitch.


On that note, good morning all! :wave:

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Though Richardson is the obvious choice for the demographics (Southwest, Hispanic) and his recent dramatic clutch play at this pivotal point in the nomination process, I'd also like to see Biden in there somewhere. He'd help alleviate that alleged foreign-policy experience deficit, and they could be the plagiarist ticket!


Does anybody ever propose their future sec of state before the election (or before the nomination?).


If they could get a woman in there they could sew this up. I read a column somewhere that (Richard Cohen, I think) that made the great suggestion of Hillary for Chief of Staff. That's the perfect job for her, right down in the nasty, hard-edge part of the politics and let Obama be the pretty figurehead and smooth-talkin' mouthpiece.

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