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Canada: Tax Haven.


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What is also missing is the extent to which a government is unsustainably undertaxing; i.e. paying with debt rather than tax revenues. Such an analysis would move the U.S. into a less favorable position relative to other nations.
Only to other nations that use different from "fuzzy math" accounting.
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I assume you've factored the fact that all of our debt is denominated in......dollars into the above statement concerning exchange rates...


A rapid decline in the value of the dollar may well translate into higher borrowing costs at some point, but that's yet to manifest itself in treasury yields.

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There is something wrong with that graph, I don't think they are including Provincial tax. Moving from WA to BC would result in about a 9% increase in income tax for someone with a median salary. The sales tax is also 14% compared to 9% down here. Not sure about property taxes.


wrong, 14% doesn't even offset B/O tax in WA. plus you don't have stupid city tax. plus their L&I insurance is much lower. even with 5% in sales tax difference at least they have roads you can drive on in winter. what we get in return is jack and shit. not to mention better health care.

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There is something wrong with that graph, I don't think they are including Provincial tax. Moving from WA to BC would result in about a 9% increase in income tax for someone with a median salary. The sales tax is also 14% compared to 9% down here. Not sure about property taxes.


wrong, 14% doesn't even offset B/O tax in WA. plus you don't have stupid city tax. plus their L&I insurance is much lower. even with 5% in sales tax difference at least they have roads you can drive on in winter. what we get in return is jack and shit. not to mention better health care.


So are you threatening to move to Canada?

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