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Happy Valentine's Day!


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I'd rather be romantic than not; who gives a fuck about hallmark, that doesn't mean you have to be bitter. That'll show them :rolleyes:


Why not take the cold, wet blanket off and eat some chocolate? :)


the only hallmark holiday I can get out of is father's day... since it's my day, after all. some battles are not worth fighting... just learn to enjoy 'em for what they're worth.

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I got a hug this morning...maybe something more exciting later. After 28 years of marriage these commercial holidays don't seem to mean too much. I never give her anything, ever, and vice versa. We like it that way. Even better, she's letting me go to smith with friends, some of whom are other women. I invited her but she says it's too cold down there.


chocolate just makes you fat.


So happy valentines back at ya

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I'm waiting for my fingers to get licked.


(I actually typed "figures" first--total freudian slip!)


Would that start at the 34, the 26 or the 38?


it doesn't matter to you - Canucks can't get anything below the 49



And I'm a 38 26 38 so sorry to disappoint. I love cheeseburgers.

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