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"A Credit Card You Want to Toss


By Robert Berner Thu Feb 7, 8:08 AM ET


Credit-card issuers have drawn fire for jacking up interest rates on cardholders who aren't behind on payments, but whose credit score has fallen for another reason. Now, some consumers complain, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC - News) is hiking rates based on no apparent deterioration in their credit scores at all."





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yes indeed, bank of america sucks the mostest. they are among the most predatory of all the lenders.


and if one isn't ethically opposed to using a credit card, then it only makes sense with the competitive cash-back cards available. some are even offering 3% back on most purchases.


I just got a round-trip ticket with a single business purchase. woohoo!



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Minx.....ever heard of a debit card? It can be used as a credit card.


No, they can't.



Yes is can and does.....Any time I have been asked for a major credit card, for hotel, car rental, airplane tickets……my debit card works just fine. They do not seem to know it is a debit card.

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Minx.....ever heard of a debit card? It can be used as a credit card.


No, they can't.



Yes is can and does.....Any time I have been asked for a major credit card, for hotel, car rental, airplane tickets……my debit card works just fine. They do not seem to know it is a debit card.


So you can charge something to your debate card without the funds ever being removed from your account? Bullshit. Plus you can get miles, cash or other things back from using your credit card, also good.


Debit Cards can be processed as Credit Cards; they don't act the same.

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kevin, of course you are right.


h/e there are some rental places that will either place a hold on a LARGE amount of money in your account for up to 14 days, (even after you've checked out or returned the car) OR will not take a debit card. (yes it does happen)


also, you are not offered the quite the same protections with your debit card as you are with credit cards in the event of fraud. and if you pay in full every month, why not enjoy the benefits of a credit card?

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will not take a debit card. (yes it does happen)


How would they know? It looks the same.....


why not enjoy the benefits of a credit card?

Because I have been down that road and was irresponsible as a youngster and the “balance” got REALLY out of control……now that I am paid up……I choose to got go there again.

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look at your debit card, it says "debit" right on it. of course you've noticed that you can select "debit" at many places or the choice comes up automatically. they can tell. as a business its cheaper to take debit for a reason.



good on ya for realizing your youthful failings.

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yes indeed, bank of america sucks the mostest. they are among the most predatory of all the lenders.


and if one isn't ethically opposed to using a credit card, then it only makes sense with the competitive cash-back cards available. some are even offering 3% back on most purchases.


I just got a round-trip ticket with a single business purchase. woohoo!



We put pretty much every expenditure we have on a rewards card that kicks 1.5% into the cash account that we have at the investment company we use.


Works great as long as you can pay the balances at the end of the month.

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What credit cards do you recommend for good cashbacks? (I don't ever keep a balance unless I accidentally pay a few days late (happens about once every two years), which they're pretty good at giving me a get-out-of-jail-free card on, because they don't want to lose me as a customer.)


One trend I noticed is they hook you in with a good cashback

offer, only to reduce the benefits after a year or two. (This happened to a Citi card I had that offered 5% back on groceries, which is one of my biggest nonrent expenses; they have since dropped that down to 2%, I think)

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yep Gary, I had the exact same deal with Citi. sucked when they dropped the rate, but of course the way I used the card, there's no way they weren't losing money on me.


Right now, I have Citi 2% cash back gas, grocery, drugstore, and 1% cash back everywhere else.


Also, CapitalOne doesn't do a foreign transaction fee, so 1% cash back + 1% eating Visa's foreign transaction fee = essentially 2% on all foreign purchases on that card. useful on my upcoming Europe honeymoon.

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I enjoy living beyond my means. I like pretending I'm the federal government, and I'm fighting my own personal war on terror. The terror of not having the trendy expensive consumer items!


well, why not, after all it's the government's job and responsibility to bail us out when we spend ourselves into bankruptcy. cradle to grave, baby, cradle to grave.


maybe I should convert me 30 yr fixed in to an ARM, so I can spend more? The government will take care of me.


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if they really wanted to stimulate the economy, i don't understand why they didn't give the top %1 a tax break and the money would just trickle down. well, once they figure out that the $600 commie thing isn't going work, i hope thats what they do.


arch, you're a %1'er, aren't you? your money can trickle down to some southern whiskey maker employee who will give some to his poor hayseed cousin. economy fixed.

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