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Truck nuts - yea or Nea?


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Great advice. Loved your TRs from this year, BTW. Awesome. As for today: 40 minutes of weights, an hour of raquetball, and 45 minutes of incline treadmill already. How about you? Oh, yeah, you "bike to work". :grlaf:


2 hours of riding yesterday, followed by some scotch. And I don't have bitch titties like you. Either you overeat, or it's bad genetics. Bummer dude.


As for TRs... hmm didn't you cry to a moderator about people commenting on your TRs in Spray? Then again, the idea of "practice what you preach" has never held much sway with you. And, no, not all of us feel compelled to post a TR for everything we do. Man you love yourself... but I guess someone has to.


Maybe you could send me some training tips. I need to break through that 5.8 ceiling....


Poor Trashie, you have to derive your self-worth by standards for others to view you by, and by making comparisons. Really pathetic. Gee, if I lead at a level above you will you suddenly feel so crushed? From Tiger Mountain speed record bragging, to your Ice Climbing excursions and impressive "5.8"+ leads, the pattern is repeated.


BTW, you might try working on your rope-management. Leaving a strand dangling 100 feet downslope is not really great form. I'm certain you can fit that practice in between your racquetball and martini. :wave:


That's quite a long response full of interesting assumptions. You and FW have created a whole imaginary Tvash World, haven't you? I'm very flattered. I'm sorry to say that there is no KKK/FW World to reciprocate with.


Plus, you've been pretty generous with advice lately. It can happen when you care too much. Not that advice from a pasty cube monkey who, despite his oft touted academic credentials (embarrassing, even for an unsympathetic observer), is continually flummoxed by our little game of online checkers here (Hugh? Is that you?), is not valid. After all, even advice from mediocrity is useful in its own special way.


But, hey, by all means stick around. After all, you might eventually get one of my jokes.

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You and FW have made a lot of the Triple Couloirs rope management photo. A laughable critique, since this route is well beyond your abilities. For your benefit as a newbie, however, I'll explain exactly what went down at the time.


a) My belayer had hypothermia. He had just eaten something and put on his puffy when we swapped leads, but he was still barely recovering. In fact, he was barely able to stay conscious while belaying me up that (the crux) pitch. Getting him up and past the crux quickly so he could warm up, on to easier terrain, and off the mountain, was my primary concern. We knew there was weather coming in, so time was even more critical. Going back down in his condition would have been more time consuming and dangerous.


b) The rope was flaked properly, but it was 20 degrees out, and the frozen rope slipped down the slope, as shown in the photo.


c) I didn't care enough to redress the rope. The slab was clean; nothing to catch on, I was in an awkward hanging belay, and I was in a hurry to get my partner up and safe. Textbook Mounty rope management simply didn't matter at the time.


So, given the situation, I made all the right decisions, and would play it exactly the same way were it to happen that way again.


Any more advice?


For anyone who gives the remotest shit, and that's probably no one who actually climbs, the TR and photos appear here:


Triple Couloir

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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You and FW have made a lot of the Triple Couloirs rope management photo.




Any more advice?


Man, you just don't get it.


I'll clue you in: STFU. Quit posturing, bragging, challenging other people's abilities, acting like a fucking know-it-all on every topic. Post less. Edit less. Try to be a little more humble, a little less OCD. Keep spray in spray, separate from other forums here, and personal lives out of Spray. That'd be a good start. Otherwise, expect to get pounded repeatedly.


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You and FW have made a lot of the Triple Couloirs rope management photo.




Any more advice?


Man, you just don't get it.


I'll clue you in: STFU. Quit posturing, bragging, challenging other people's abilities, acting like a fucking know-it-all on every topic. Post less. Edit less. Try to be a little more humble, a little less OCD. Keep spray in spray, separate from other forums here, and personal lives out of Spray. That'd be a good start. Otherwise, expect to get pounded repeatedly.


5303: Post less? :grlaf:


You don't pound me, KKK, you do the only thing a clown can do: you amuse me. As for your "influence", well, let's just say it's been as effective as your beloved President so far, eh? But keep the advice coming. It's really....helpful.

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As for TRs... hmm didn't you cry to a moderator about people commenting on your TRs in Spray? Then again, the idea of "practice what you preach" has never held much sway with you. And, no, not all of us feel compelled to post a TR for everything we do. Man you love yourself... but I guess someone has to.


Ho ho, did someone get a widdle note from a moderator because they were being naughty? If so, you got the note because you were being an asshole, pal. I've never complained to the mods about anything on this site...but your admission (and paranoid response) is pretty funny.


Ya see, there's a whole part of this site you may be unfamiliar with that's about climbers actually sharing their experiences through stories and photos. They're called Trip Reports, or TRs for short. It's kind of the main reason why the site exists. Other climbers actually like reading about and seeing photos from trips. Now, I know this is a difficult concept for you....

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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As for TRs... hmm didn't you cry to a moderator about people commenting on your TRs in Spray? Then again, the idea of "practice what you preach" has never held much sway with you. And, no, not all of us feel compelled to post a TR for everything we do. Man you love yourself... but I guess someone has to.


Ho ho, did someone get a widdle note from a moderator because they were being naughty? If so, you got the note because you were being an asshole, pal. I've never complained to the mods about anything on this site...but his revelation is pretty funny.


Ya see, there's a whole part of this site you may be unfamiliar with that's about climbers actually sharing their experiences through stories and photos. They're called Trip Reports, or TRs for short. It's kind of the main reason why the site exists. Other climbers actually like reading about and seeing photos from trips. Now, I know this is a difficult concept for you....


There you go again...


just proving my statements above. More self-responses, more self-editing. You're sick, dude. Get help. :wave:


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5303: Post less? :grlaf:


you've got more posts in half the time as a member here.


and some days you carry on conversations with yourself... very disturbing. Add in the continual self-editing, and it's almost scary.


Well, all the regulars are probably a bit OCD here. I'll readily admit it. Except...you, of course. :rolleyes:


A few distinctions are in order, however, while were pointing virtual fingers:


a) You screw your employer by posting on company time...A LOT.


b) Some of my posts are actually climbing related.


c) You seem to believe that some on this site actually take this shit seriously. Heh heh.

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Frankly, we're all pretty sick and tired of this donkey show, which all too often includes Fairweather and Hugh Conway to boot. All of the mods and admins consider fucking with people over their TR's to be over the line, and this includes making fun of the way someone looks. Time and again, TR's prove to be both the most popular and some of the best content this site provides, and nasty little shenanigans that dissuade others from posting their reports are not welcome.


KK, the fact that you post your TR's under a different avatar only underlines the fact that you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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a) You screw your employer by posting on company time...A LOT.


b) Some of my posts are actually climbing related.


c) You seem to believe that some on this site actually take this shit seriously. Heh heh.


we've (we is collective here, across the group, threads and past conversations when this accusation is thrown out) been over a) many times. i'm not salaried, not that it's any of your business. maybe, I'm like you and I can "do whatever the fuck I want", after all.

b) more evidence of what I posted above

c) YOU obviously take this site and yourself very seriously. and you do it to extremes that nobody else does. now go lick sack.


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Which way is the gully? Which way is the gully? ...Textbook Mountie can't find his ass with both hands 'cause they tangled up with his ball sack.


Wait, wait, I forgot to edit.


If there's a shitty gulley within a hundred miles, a Mountie can find it.


Actually, I'm grateful to the Mounties for their inexpensive and comprehensive courses which made a big difference when I was first starting out. The Everett Branch was a really fun group at the time.

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Frankly, we're all pretty sick and tired of this donkey show, which all too often includes Fairweather and Hugh Conway to boot. All of the mods and admins consider fucking with people over their TR's to be over the line, and this includes making fun of the way someone looks. Time and again, TR's prove to be both the most popular and some of the best content this site provides, and nasty little shenanigans that dissuade others from posting their reports are not welcome.


KK, the fact that you post your TR's under a different avatar only underlines the fact that you know exactly what I'm talking about.


Listen to what Off has to say if you want to continue to post on cc.com.

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Frankly, we're all pretty sick and tired of this donkey show, which all too often includes Fairweather and Hugh Conway to boot. All of the mods and admins consider fucking with people over their TR's to be over the line, and this includes making fun of the way someone looks. Time and again, TR's prove to be both the most popular and some of the best content this site provides, and nasty little shenanigans that dissuade others from posting their reports are not welcome.


And does that include digging up personal information about people and dumping it into Spray?


KK, the fact that you post your TR's under a different avatar only underlines the fact that you know exactly what I'm talking about.


It's true that I have no desire to post TRs on the site only to be hammered by assclowns afterwards. So, yes, it does make me less inclined to post. Yet alone if I post a comment in another forum, only to have someone (e.g. TTK) comment about it here in a negative manner.


Again, I am perfectly happy to follow the rules if certain other individuals agree to do the same.




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a) You screw your employer by posting on company time...A LOT.


b) Some of my posts are actually climbing related.


c) You seem to believe that some on this site actually take this shit seriously. Heh heh.


we've (we is collective here, across the group, threads and past conversations when this accusation is thrown out) been over a) many times. i'm not salaried, not that it's any of your business. maybe, I'm like you and I can "do whatever the fuck I want", after all.

b) more evidence of what I posted above

c) YOU obviously take this site and yourself very seriously. and you do it to extremes that nobody else does. now go lick sack.


You are 100% correct, now and from now on. And I am bored.



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