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Movie night PDX


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Jim's house Jan 18th, (Friday) @ 7pm.



Maybe we can use this thread to vote on potential movies? I have Masters of Stone V1 and 2.


That's all I have.


So I'll say-------------> :tup: on these.


If you've see these thousands of times or know for a fact it's another poorly scripted, badly shot home movie with only a bunch of excruciating loud noises which they call music while 12 and 13 year old self-proclaimed "Bad Asses" claiming world records and first ascents doing endless 5' and 6'boulder moves with sit starts accompanied by screams and loud grunts as if to punctuate how bad assed they are while their parents are yelling at them to put those doobies down and come home to dinner: - if you do know that these movies are all that, then do this----------> :tdown:


Cause I have no clue and think we all need some solid mid-winter stoke. See you there.

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I've got the latest Sharma, ground-up Deep Water Soloing in Spain video, plus another video by that Brit crew that is full of leg-shakin', gear-rippin', ground-smackin' goodness. I'm just a few blocks away from Jim's and would be happy to stop by... so count me in.




ps- they don't seem to make any ground-up trad videos so tell Joseph to stay home, as he didn't seem too pleased with what Sonnie Trotter and and the rest of the hard "trad" guys are up to these days...


pps- of course I'm kidding and would love to see the gang at Jim's...

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i'll be there - how'bout "brokeback mtn" - sounds like it oughta have some hot mountain action - dunno, never seen it! :P


if we gotta rewatch jim's climbing stash, ain't nothing better than the welshman soloing da eiger in winter and that 70s el cap hooterific one!

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"But I have never seen Eiger Sanction so can I put in a request for that movie if you ever do this again!"


Hard to believe there's someone that hasn't seen the Eiger Sanction... That's a classic. Well shot with a great cast including Herman Buhl's daughter...


Reminds me I should dust off the old VHS collection and see if they're any good. Edlinger "to the top" was a good one...


Have fun,



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i'll be there - how'bout "brokeback mtn" - sounds like it oughta have some hot mountain action - dunno, never seen it! :P


if we gotta rewatch jim's climbing stash, ain't nothing better than the welshman soloing da eiger in winter and that 70s el cap hooterific one!


:tup: :tup: I have my very own tape that Jim made. *blush* :blush:

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would this be of interest to Jim?


Who cares! And yes he would love it.


Hmmm, No, I don't believe that what it's about. Maybe it' because I'm projecting my own feelings here. Jim doesn't give a rats ass about some uber strong gym rat who grunts loudly and screams while clipping bolts 5 feet apart. I know it's phenomenal, and it's amazing, but we're talkin Jim here - sure. I watch Sharma in awe, but I' don't think Jim will.


For Jim, I suspect that the entire challenge would be most interesting. It may be Edlinger doing a 1000 foot free solo of a bolted route, or a Huber or Potter speed climb of a El Cap test piece, but barring that, Jim would be most happy if his compadres, his fellow warriors, get some winter stoke and enjoyed each others company in the spirit of tight bonding and hail fellow well met. Sharma is but a secondary player in this.


You can ask him. But lets put on the video, and ask after the fact.


Our secret until then, and maybe we will gain a window of insight which we otherwise did not have by utilizing this approach.

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For the record- this video consists of Sharma doing a water-up, 60ft deep water solo that is more than likely one of the physically hardest routes ever climbed. Along with footage of him taking a couple of 60-80 footers while trying to send a 250ft line. I'm not saying it's as cool as Chuck Pratt sending Twilight Zone, but it's far from what most folks think of as sport climbing. Oh, not to give it away, but he onsights Moonlight Buttress in Zion with a buddy... See you then :)

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Cool, I'd seen the video of him doing the "deep water soloing"... :yawn:


Jim will like the Moonlight part for sure.


See you then, what kind of beer do you all like. Guiness, Heiniken, or Fat tire amber?


I was gonna invite Sean (Moof). But didn't find Jim's address. Can I get it PMed or emailed over and I'll forward it?

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would this be of interest to Jim?


Who cares! And yes he would love it.

Hmmm, No, I don't believe that what it's about. Maybe it' because I'm projecting my own feelings here. Jim doesn't give a rats ass about some uber strong gym rat who grunts loudly and screams while clipping bolts 5 feet apart. I know it's phenomenal, and it's amazing, but we're talkin Jim here - sure. I watch Sharma in awe, but I' don't think Jim will.


For Jim, I suspect that the entire challenge would be most interesting. It may be Edlinger doing a 1000 foot free solo of a bolted route, or a Huber or Potter speed climb of a El Cap test piece, but barring that, Jim would be most happy if his compadres, his fellow warriors, get some winter stoke and enjoyed each others company in the spirit of tight bonding and hail fellow well met. Sharma is but a secondary player in this.


You can ask him. But lets put on the video, and ask after the fact.


Our secret until then, and maybe we will gain a window of insight which we otherwise did not have by utilizing this approach.



You are disapointing me Bill......cant you see a good troll when you see one? hahahahahaha

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I was trolling when I said “who cares”, because I care. Just like the “care bears”! I CARE!.......whoops more trolling on my part.




Head count. Who is coming?


I still vote for the sharma video…..and I agree with Phillip…..from what I have heard of this video, it is hardly strong sport climbers clipping bolts every five feet. Cant wait to see it.


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