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Ping Pong fans?


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Yea; whatever, boy wonder. Was this before, or after you: designed battery packs, studied the effects of nuclear detonations on navy vessels, became the chief technology officer of a major IT company, worked for the ACLU, were a legal scholar, soldier, studied entomology, wrote literary reviews, became a well-know speed climber, studied physics? Or was this all after your diagnosis?


I'm amazed you have time to spray in between "Would you like frys with that?"

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Yea; whatever, boy wonder. Was this before, or after you: designed battery packs, studied the effects of nuclear detonations on navy vessels, became the chief technology officer of a major IT company, worked for the ACLU, were a legal scholar, soldier, studied entomology, wrote literary reviews, became a well-know speed climber, studied physics? Or was this all after your diagnosis?


I'm amazed you have time to spray in between "Would you like frys with that?"


That's f-r-i-e-s, dude. Unfortunately, it looks like we have a more qualified applicant in mind for the drive through window, Hugh. Feel free to reapply when you've finished 4th grade.

Edited by Fairweather
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Damn straight. Now go find some other dupe here to help jerk off your ego for you.


I can't help but note how much time and energy you've expended trying to piece together just about every aspect of my life beyond the maoi; appearance, marital status, finances, career, physical health, friendships, love life, military service, education...the list goes on and on. You search for, examine, and paraphrase every online tidbit about me in your self imposed mission to expose some huge lie you feel is being perpetrated upon the planet. It's hard not to get the feeling that you really, really want something, and who knows what that could be, from what is essentially just another avatar on a bullshit online forum.


Contrast this to the utter lack of interest I have in you beyond occasionally helping you to make a fool of yourself online. Someone told me you were a Pepsi distributor once. That's pretty much all I know, or care to know (actually, I don't really care much about that, either) about your life. Despite the unrequited curiosity, you respond to everything I post as if it were written specifically for you personal audience. Very strange. Well, for once, here's one just for you.


I don't care really; whatever floats your boat. I suppose I should be flattered, but, frankly, like any reasonable person, I find your obsession with 'the real tvashtar' a bit odd.

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I can't help but note how much time and energy you've expended trying to piece together just about every aspect of my life beyond the maoi; appearance, marital status, finances, career, physical health, friendships, love life, military service, education...the list goes on and on.


I don't need to expose anything. You brag about yourself here endlessly. I don't care to venture beyond the walls of this site in my effort to help you temper your own ego - everything I know about you comes from your endless drivel here or links you have provided at various times to it. I simply choose to dismiss most of it as bullshit. Especially since you seem most inclined to break out your fantasy resume when you're trying to beat your own chest about a related topic. Everything I have posted here about you has been in-kind and well earned. I would also point out that I have repeatedly tried to ignore you only to have you inject some photoshopped picture of a penis or an insult my intellect. Frankly, you seem happiest when you are able to perceive yourself as physically and intellectually superior to everyone around you - and yes - it gets very annoying. Your Tiger Mountain challenge, honestly, made you look like a complete fool. Obsessed with Tvashtarketena? Um, no, not by any stretch of your imagination. But until you can produce the cards that demonstrate you to be the human being you claim to be, I'll keep calling your bluff.

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seriously pathetic. little huey, booby boy, fairyweather.


seriously, take this elsewhere. it sounds like you guys need to set up a time to meet and settle this either with a good jizz milking, or a manly duel, with fists and things, cuz this shit is getting old.


at least start your own fucking thread.


ping pong is so ghey

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I can't help but note how much time and energy you've expended trying to piece together just about every aspect of my life beyond the maoi; appearance, marital status, finances, career, physical health, friendships, love life, military service, education...the list goes on and on.


I don't need to expose anything. You brag about yourself here endlessly. I don't care to venture beyond the walls of this site in my effort to help you temper your own ego - everything I know about you comes from your endless drivel here or links you have provided at various times to it. I simply choose to dismiss most of it as bullshit. Especially since you seem most inclined to break out your fantasy resume when you're trying to beat your own chest about a related topic. Everything I have posted here about you has been in-kind and well earned. I would also point out that I have repeatedly tried to ignore you only to have you inject some photoshopped picture of a penis or an insult my intellect. Frankly, you seem happiest when you are able to perceive yourself as physically and intellectually superior to everyone around you - and yes - it gets very annoying. Your Tiger Mountain challenge, honestly, made you look like a complete fool. Obsessed with Tvashtarketena? Um, no, not by any stretch of your imagination. But until you can produce the cards that demonstrate you to be the human being you claim to be, I'll keep calling your bluff.


Blah blah blah


This about him voting for Hillary, isn't it? Or perhaps you're just jealous cause he got to ride in the Space Shuttle to other planets and you didn't. :cry: Waaaaa


PS, sorry SC, but I'm dropping the star rating on the thread. As an on topic comment: my son drug home "Balls of Fury" and made me watch it, it was going OK until I fell asleep, so thats all I have for a review. It may be a good movie. He thought so, but he gives anything that has Will Ferrell in it a 10 out of 10, so take that comment lightly eh?


Theres more material today folks, as I F*ed my knee bad and will be hanging around the house all day.

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