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WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?????!!!!!!!!!1111


Maybe a better question is:


Where is YOUR outrage?


The friends ive had who were as outraged as I once was ended up hunted down by the police, in jail, or dead.


On this site, sometimes I can't tell if the topic is meant to be satirical or not - I guess that now passes for outrage anyway.


In this case, I don't think its far out by any standard to use the word "conspiracy" in connection with electronic voting. The video makes it pretty plain and simple to understand and goes a long way to explaining some "strange election results that somehow confounded the polls." Gee, wounda what machines they use in New Hampsha?


Unfortunately, I am beyond the outrage now, for health reasons alone, I'll have to take a pass. This whole topic reminds me of why I once tried to change the system from within, switched to fighting it from without, and then finally and mostly just tuned into the mountains, myself, my kid.


Fuckem, don't let this shit (due to stress) take minutes off your game of life. Most people (as in more than half the population) deserve what they get anyway. They are sheep for the most part and they don't move until they are poked. The need to resort to violent state repression has largely been replaced by corporate digital control and manipulation - also 100's of "Seattle liberal" red light cameras. But rest assured, if anyone ever does happen to come along and agitate the man enough, the guns will still be close at hand.

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I think this is the site that first brought media attention to the issue a while ago, not sure though --> http://blackboxvoting.org <


You could also try the "dot com" suffix etc instead.


People should write their congress person I guess but, in so far as they all got elected based at least in part on electronic or digital voting they probably don't quite grasp or care about the grave nature of the issue - Dems or Repubs alike.


New Hampshire (especially if they used digital voting machines and or Diebold etc..) should have been a wake up call.

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I WAS talking about 2004 ... and 2006 also. I actually believe that he did not win the 2004 election.


I realize this has been discussed extensively and the Democrats chose not to challenge it and also that most commentators after the fact said there was no proof of election fraud throwing the election.


The newspapers and magazines at the time reported, however, a systematic disenfranchisement of precincts overwhelmingly favoring Kerry, that the voting machines (both Diebold and some of the optical scanners) showed serious problems that generally if not exclusively favored Bush, and etc. etc. It cannot all be explained by incompetence.


Whether you think Bush won by fraud or not, the fact that there was some serious effort in that direction remains.

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