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Dude, I'll give it to her, she's got an awsome physique. Then again, most african american athletes do!


"Aaahh! Hey, boy, slow down, you're gonna mess around and come too fast. You'll make me get mad and I'll clench up my butt cheeks and rip your dick off!"


Thats funny! What is that from?

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Dude, I'll give it to her, she's got an awsome physique. Then again, most african american athletes do!


"Aaahh! Hey, boy, slow down, you're gonna mess around and come too fast. You'll make me get mad and I'll clench up my butt cheeks and rip your dick off!"


Thats funny! What is that from?

eddie murphy discussing his nightmare where he goes to hollywood and finds out mr. t is ghey

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Her body may be slammin', but after the beatdown Henin gave her yesterday she shows her true colors. Sore loser.




Evey see John McEnro?? People loved to hate him.


McEnroe could have been more popular. He played with a competitive fire and a fierce determination, traits that the public adores. But he also constantly argued and put down umpires and linesmen for what he perceived as bad calls.



"I know I can see the ball better than the officials," he said. "I can 'feel' when a ball is out or not. What's so frustrating is to know you're right and not be able to do anything about it."


When he was just 20, he was nicknamed "Superbrat" by the outrageous British tabloids in 1979. "He is the most vain, ill-tempered, petulant loudmouth that the game of tennis has ever know," The Sun wrote.


American journalists were not much kinder to the young McEnroe.


"McEnroe does most of his pouting on the courts," wrote Newsweek's Pete Axthelm. "In private, this devastating athlete can be a nice enough kid . . . but when he steps to the service line, with his perpetually put-upon expression and his insistence that every line call and crowd reaction go his way, his public posture is all too easy to understand. Call it spoiled."



The Washington Post's Barry Lorge: "He came across as a precocious brat -- immensely talented, spoiled and rather obnoxious. On the court, he pouted, cursed, threw his racket. . . . He was a crybaby. Off court, he demonstrated little savoir faire.



"Scoffed one appalled gentleman after encountering a sticky-fingered McEnroe in the players' tearoom: 'The boy wonder is upstairs, eating the traditional strawberries and cream without benefit of the traditional spoon.' "


Even the player's father, John Sr., said, "John sets high standards for himself and doesn't suffer fools gladly. What you might say about John is that he shoots from the hip through his mouth." Through the years, McEnroe never changed. At the 1990 Australian Open, McEnroe was disqualified for using abusive language at court officials. His image remains of someone pouting and cursing, throwing rackets and tantrums.


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We'll see how good she looks in another 15 years after she stops working out


fit -> fat.


she works out??

she's juiced up!

here comes 'super-junk-in-tha -trunk!'


Good point, do they check roid use with tennis players?


the williams juiced. martina juiced. so did steffi graff. pro sports = steroids/hgh/'tever

and lance, well mr 'masking agent'

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