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Impeach the bastard already.


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Just like Bush getting elected showed everyone that a C student can be President if they are connected enough.


Kerry was a C student too. :wave:


BTW, I graduated magna cum laude from the UC system, do you want me to be your next president? :grlaf:


Nobody believes you. So shut the fuck up.

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While impeachment proceeding would be a gesture , it would be an important one. We have to get serious about getting the corporations out of the White house and try soon the return it to a house of the people. The tough part is going to be rocking both parties into it. I like what Cindy is doing and history could have a special place for her if people get behind the idea of her logic.

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While impeachment proceeding would be a gesture , it would be an important one. We have to get serious about getting the corporations out of the White house and try soon the return it to a house of the people. The tough part is going to be rocking both parties into it. I like what Cindy is doing and history could have a special place for her if people get behind the idea of her logic.




Sorry, but I'll take the corporate whores over the nanny/Robin Hood thieves any day.

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While impeachment proceeding would be a gesture , it would be an important one. We have to get serious about getting the corporations out of the White house and try soon the return it to a house of the people. The tough part is going to be rocking both parties into it. I like what Cindy is doing and history could have a special place for her if people get behind the idea of her logic.




Sorry, but I'll take the corporate whores over the nanny/Robin Hood thieves any day.


Its that kind of attitude that got us into this mess in the first place.




Wayne.....well spoke!

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This should be called the dumb ass Dem thread. I feel as dumb as that Miss Teen chick for having read K-bone rants.



Seahawks…..I know its very difficult getting a straight answer out of you…..but……


Can you honestly tell me its ok for one man (Bush) to abuse his power so much? Executive privilege? WTF is that all about……telling other they can not testify is total bull shit…….


One more question…….why is he telling other they cannot testify? If you have not done anything wrong or illegal…..then you have nothing to hide. Right? Then why the secrecy? Even you have to agree its bull shit.


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Who does that leave in charge?"



Dont you get it? Its not just impeaching Bush…..you would have to remove his administration from the White House which would include Dickhead Cheney……then all the power would go to Nancy Pelosi. :o


That why the Dems lost the last election. over and over they prove what a bunch of dumb asses they are. You don't think Clinton firing everyone investigating Whitewater wasn't wrong??? Get the f'ing log out of your eye. Its almost laugable.

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Just like Bush getting elected showed everyone that a C student can be President if they are connected enough.


Kerry was a C student too. :wave:


BTW, I graduated magna cum laude from the UC system, do you want me to be your next president? :grlaf:


Ah, well. No filtration system is perfect.


and we have you to prove the point.

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