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Where's this?


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You'd think after 2,000 years Jesus would get tired of carrying that thing around and set it down already.
No kidding. Unless he is a homo and doesn't want the 42 virgins waiting for him in heaven... so he tries to look busy by carrying the cross around instead. Wait, maybe I'm getting my religions confused... which one gives out 42 virgins? And which one hates homos? Oh, and which one burns witches and nonbelievers?


But as to the question, my guess was going to be the landscape garden that SCCC uses in its landscape program.


What was the answer, anyway?

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There used to be a guy that packed a cross around in Victoria downtown all the time. He wore the bottom out and it got shorter and shorter. Someone tried to get him to allow advertising on it but he told them to fuck off. Finally he put a caster on it but casters are aid and the guy finally disappeared but he didn't dome back so I figure he was'nt Jebus

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That's a BMW bike ...but not a BMW engine? Whassup with that? :wazup:


BMW bike with an Aprilla engine :tdown:

Had one. Wasnt impressed.


Actually, I think it's a Rotax...like the ones on hang gliders. I do envy the way Foraker (not so) cleverly wove "look at my cool new toy" into a faux political/religious hate thread - but I don't envy the 28 inch inseam required to ride that scooter, or the Samsonite luggage he has attached to it.

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It is a Rotax. BTW, again, that's not my bike (you'd know this if you had reading skilz). With my bike and my 32 inch inseam, I'm on my toes when I come to a stop. You must be one short bastard. It's not a faux political/religious hate thread either. Some folks I know play this tag thing with our motorcycles as a way of discovering interesting new things around our area. We were having real problems figuring this one out and was just looking for some help. Finally figured it out on my own. Maybe you ought to spend less time a) making bad attempts at trolls and/or b) figuring out how anything anyone says is somehow intended as a slight or slur against your particular beliefs. Really, I think you need to talk about this with someone about this or spend less time in places with people who irritate you or something. You're going to end up with an ulcer or Irritable Man Syndrome or something. PS. I don't like your POS rice burner of a bike either. So there.

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For anyone who cares (possibly everyone except Fairweather), the statue above is next to the Alpine Chapel built by the owner of Boehm's Chocolates in Issaquah. Good stuff.

Interesting mountaineering history behind the founder as well.



"Julius became a child of the mountains, and utilized his mountaineering skills to escape the Hitler tyranny in 1939 and fled to Switzerland. From there he came to the Pacific Northwest in 1941."


Even a middle-aged grumpus on a rice-burner can appreciate that.

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For me, the photo kick-started recollections of old jogging and bicycle routes. I couldn't place the statue, and was way off when I kept thinking of the Washington Park Arboretum. Still, speaking of being way off, I feel compelled to acknowledge FW's pathological projection of "faux political/religious hatred" onto the likes of Foraker and boys and girls who play tag by taking pictures of their BMW F650s in lonely places. (As being way, way off route is my sometimes-favorite virtue, a tip of the hat is in order.)


Anyway, for whatever it's worth, all you people on your motor-powered gas scooters may as well be -- on the chain gang.


(Tag, you're it.)

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