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United States of Lardasses


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The number one way to improve our health care system: better diet and more exercise


The stats reflected on that map are pathetic, and this has happened in just 20 years! Sad.


Absolutely no doubt about that. People should be held responsible for what they do to themselves. It is like beating the crap out of your car and expecting the warranty to cover it.

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legalize meth. problem solved.



How about MDMA? I've never done it, but apparently it changes your life so profoundly that you will always take care of yourself and there will be no more wars.






Yeah, right. We all did a bunch of that in the early '70's. Mushrooms still work well, though.

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The number one way to improve our health care system: better diet and more exercise


The stats reflected on that map are pathetic, and this has happened in just 20 years! Sad.


It's actully more simple: less food, more exersize.


I did something toward this today. I bought another bike!



...'cept it has a motor.

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The number one way to improve our health care system: better diet and more exercise


The stats reflected on that map are pathetic, and this has happened in just 20 years! Sad.

In the same time period, we are working more hours than we used to (even though automation of everything was supposed to free up our time) and more and more of our jobs are sedentary.


I know as I get older and my career progresses, I am spending more and more time in a seat. And my job is more stressful, so I am at work more. Traffic is worse, so I can spend up to two and a half hours on the road a day (although it isn't usually that bad-more like an hour and a half). I have less energy to work out and less time to cook healthy. I can understand what is happening to people--especially people who don't have healthy habits before their lives get to the point of craziness where they have no personal time/energy.

And the work/life balance thing that companies sell us is bullshit. They don't care about anyone's life until they are so sick they can't come into the office.

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The number one way to improve our health care system: better diet and more exercise


The stats reflected on that map are pathetic, and this has happened in just 20 years! Sad.

In the same time period, we are working more hours than we used to (even though automation of everything was supposed to free up our time) and more and more of our jobs are sedentary.


I know as I get older and my career progresses, I am spending more and more time in a seat. And my job is more stressful, so I am at work more. Traffic is worse, so I can spend up to two and a half hours on the road a day (although it isn't usually that bad-more like an hour and a half). I have less energy to work out and less time to cook healthy. I can understand what is happening to people--especially people who don't have healthy habits before their lives get to the point of craziness where they have no personal time/energy.

And the work/life balance thing that companies sell us is bullshit. They don't care about anyone's life until they are so sick they can't come into the office.


In 12 years in IT I have worked one weekend (half a Saturday), and never more than 50 hours in a week. You gotta stand your ground.

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no time to play.bills to pay.chasing the american illusion.


sucks when you put it that way.......


the scenario arch describes is quite true for many salaried folks - esp. in high-tech, but I doubt it applies to a majority of Americans who do work regular 9-5 jobs, and are suffering from the same problems of obesity - if not in higher proportions.


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In 12 years in IT I have worked one weekend (half a Saturday), and never more than 50 hours in a week. You gotta stand your ground.


Does that 50 hours a week include spray time?


I bet you're good for 35... maybe 40 of actual work :grlaf:


Actually, most people who whine about 60, 80, and 100 hour weeks in IT aren't really working all that time.


It's all about efficiency and meeting expectations. If I can do more than the next guy in half the time - that's to my benefit. And it's not hard with so many idiots in the industry. :wave:

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