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Not Really Free-soloing


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Did you ask a question?


It was an example posed as a question, rhetorically. Hang on let me get out my thesaurus...


My position is that if someone else is watching you it doesn't negate the experience that you are climbing without the use of protection. Hence: free-soloing.

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I like the PBR picture.


Just to throw this into the mix: What do you all think about photographers at the top of the cliff with bights of rope ready to toss down to the soloist if they start to sketch?


And for roped leading, the British gritsone climbers are notorious for this when they are trying to headpoint such routes.

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You mean like when Earl Wiggan and his buddies hiked down to the bottom of the Black Canyon to reconoiter it then split up to check out different areas.


Later they look over and see him FREE FU*KING SOLOING Scenic Cruise, not only bags the second ascent, free solo, but f*s up, gets off route, and does a First Ascent variation that goes at 5.10D. No rope, on sight.


His buddies looked over and see him way the hell over there....they gape open mouth.


Not a free solo?



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