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room in seatle


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i just got a job working on harbor island or somewere close to that and need to find a room or coach or garage to stay in. for about 5 weeks give or take. i will be working 6 days 10hrs a day at least. so it would be litteraly a place to shit shave and bathe, and maybe cook and do laundy every now and again.

any body got room, or know someone that does.

also will have an open room up here in bellingham for that period of time if any one is intrested.

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there not called parol officeers, she's a "mental heath" conciler

and technically ive been reevaluated and considered sane, i just have to check in from time to time thats all


oh and mikey's to tall to be an actor.


Edited by wirlwind
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a place to shit shave and bathe


Dude....I think you'd have more success if you weren't so graphic, especially with the crapping bit....nobody wants to think of you crapping in their house, either in the appropriate receptacle or elsewhere.


Good luck.


P.S. Please don't crap in the sink.

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a place to shit shave and bathe


Dude....I think you'd have more success if you weren't so graphic, especially with the crapping bit....nobody wants to think of you crapping in their house, either in the appropriate receptacle or elsewhere.


Good luck.


P.S. Please don't crap in the sink.




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deer god give me a break everyone shits, no one cares, besides it an old saying and i usally shit at work, while im on the clock.


i still need a place btw,

got one posiblility but nothing for sure yet, willing to pay 600 for 2 months but will likly be done and gone in 5 weeks

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If nobody else steps up to the plate, let me know. We might be able to set you up with your own toilet. We live a long way from Harbor Island, though, and I haven't checked with my wife. Not only that, but we might be housing family members for a while, so we may not even have extra floor space. But anyway, we're thinking of you (she would be if I told her a fellow cc.comer'er was in need, cause she's way sweet -- even if she thinks I waste too much time on this site). Homeless in Seattle es no bueno....

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well thanks matt, i aperciate it, and no i don't have a place yet.

i can drive from bellingham every day or get a hotel, but i was hoping to save alittle money on the hotel expence/make some friends in seattle, as i will likly be looking for shit to do after work: ie climbing, workingout playing basketball or beer and music,

any one willing to leap frog weeks?

ie one week here one week there type of thing so i dont over stay my welcome anywhere.

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