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Motorcycle crashes


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In college my roommate had a dirt bike that he hid in the shed and only pulled out late at night when drunk at which time he would tear around the woods surrounding campus. One night his girlfriend was over and she asked if she could ride the bike; he spent about 15 minutes showing her show to work it and she patiently nodded and acted totally ignorant. Finally he said hop on... she jumped on, kicked the throttle, threw the bike up into a perfect wheelie and disappeared into the woods. :cool: Turns out she'd been riding bikes since she was a kids and she ripped around in the woods until the cops came. My roommate was very humbled after that and swore utter devotion to this girl until she dumped him.

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I just can't watch those crashes....I'd rather be run out on crap gear than watch those.



last summer i was on the back of my boyfriends bike, we were stopped at a stop light with a car between us and the light. while we were sitting there waiting, we saw a totally gnarly motor cycle accident. after every thing was cleaned up, and we had given our statement, we went home and got the car.

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Oh my god...... I seriously just about swallowed my own Trachea when this page loaded...


Did you know that the weight of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet actually changes the shape of the globe into mild oval?


Or maybe they have it wrong, it her instead! :D

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Is is me or do the plants in back look like pot plants?


its callled bamboo


i just fired me bike up last week, got her insured and im up and runnin, too bad the squamish highway is so fucked


Here's my baby



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I'm picturing neolithic tribesmen forcing her over an ice cliff at spearpoint, then whooping at the top of their primitive lungs "Break out the mothahfucking BBQ sauce, bitches!"


As for the motorcycle, they'd probably just try to eat the seat.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Is is me or do the plants in back look like pot plants?


its callled bamboo


i just fired me bike up last week, got her insured and im up and runnin, too bad the squamish highway is so fucked


Here's my baby






Oh christ........ I want one of these SOOO bad..... I was looking at a Triumph 675 a couple of months ago, and actually got to fire it up for a few minutes. Dude, thats so much power between you legs!!! How do you say "Zero to sixty in like, um, NOW!??"


I better not though, I might seriously kill myself...

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Zero to sixty in like, um, NOW!??"


Yes when I hopped on I just wanted to hear her purr and I just throttled it and the front was up and I was sayin oh right...she's got juice.


im off to take her out right now, triumphs are nice I almost bought one but they are in demand and I wasnt able to sit on one..I had to order this one from california but I did get to sit on it before hand.


V Twin in sport bikes is pretty wicked..I like it better than my last bike, Ninja

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