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Any one complaining about this treatment??


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Why should liberals care about the treatment of POW's or enemy combatants when the current admin cares so little about the welfare of our own forces? Oh, darn, there I am attacking Bush again. Do I have to worry about the treatment of the thousands of 'private security workers' in Iraq? I need some guidance here. They aren't regular military so they aren't 'the troops'.... It doesn't seem quite right to say 'support the mercs or your son will get drafted'..... Anyway, thanks for the daily attempt to divert scorn and derision from Bush. Keep trying! He'll be gone some day and you won't have that particular albatross around your neck. If you're lucky, you'll get to blame it all on someone else. Oh, wait, you're already doing that too. Efficient little buggers, aren't ya?!

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Why should liberals care about the treatment of POW's or enemy combatants when the current admin cares so little about the welfare of our own forces?


The Bush-haters have been screaming bloody murder about Gitmo, Abu-Ghraib, and "torture" for years - talking from their moral high horse of proper treatment of POWs, due process, and so on. Silence on similar actions conducted by the enemy only show these protestations for what they truly are: politically-driven, fabricated, and disingenuous. Just like almost any "outrage" you hear voiced by a rabid Bush-hater.


Worse yet, more than a few of you will be cheering these types of steps by the enemy - "just deserts", "what comes around, goes around". It's a disgusting display of self-loathing, self-hatred, verging on sedition. :wave:


Bush doesn't care about his own troops? Look in the mirror - it's you who don't care or respect them (the troops). My biggest regret is that they have to sacrifice their lives for your sake. :noway:


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The Bush-haters have been screaming bloody murder about Gitmo, Abu-Ghraib, and "torture" for years - talking from their moral high horse of proper treatment of POWs, due process, and so on. Silence on similar actions conducted by the enemy only show these protestations for what they truly are: politically-driven, fabricated, and disingenuous.


Do you think "screaming bloody murder" about the way Islamic fanatics brutalize their captives will make them change their behavior? It won't do a thing. The world expects that sort of barbarity from al Qaida, so what good does protesting it do? By your strategies, the only solution is to kill them all, right?


If the US is indeed conducting, to use your words, "similar actions" on any level, is there any duty of our citizens to object, given that we as citizens make this country what it is, or at least, what it is supposed to be? The world doesn't expect to see the US- at least the image the US has had for the last 50 years- denying due process, torturing, and violating human rights, regardless of the nefarious actions of the accused. So is there a standard, or because al Qaida has taken the standards of human decency to a new low, we should sink down to that level?



Worse yet, more than a few of you will be cheering these types of steps by the enemy - "just deserts", "what comes around, goes around". It's a disgusting display of self-loathing, self-hatred, verging on sedition. :wave:


Cheering? I don't think so. But are we supposed to act surprised that the Iranian forces used fear and coercion to get the sailors to "confess"? Did anyone outside Iran believe for a second that the sailors were acting on their own free will? Is anyone surprised they were kept in the dark, bound and blindfolded? I'm not.


My biggest regret is that they have to sacrifice their lives for your sake. :noway:


What? I thought they were sacrificing their lives for my tax break?!? By the way, how much did you get back? Didja buy something cool with it? :wave:

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The Bush-haters have been screaming bloody murder about Gitmo, Abu-Ghraib, and "torture" for years - talking from their moral high horse of proper treatment of POWs, due process, and so on.


And we shouldn't be protesting it? We shouldn't be protesting the actions of our own government even though they violate they very principles we profess to honor and uphold? Shouldn't we be 'holding the moral high ground' regardless of their actions? Seems to me you don't understand this country very much, KK.


Silence on similar actions conducted by the enemy only show these protestations for what they truly are: politically-driven, fabricated, and disingenuous.


Need I make some peep about each of their actions on a public form in order to justify any comments I make about my government?

What good would that do? Make YOU feel better? Make Rush Limbaugh feel better? What I CAN do is keep my government's feet in the fire and make sure they treat our own troops properly (e.g. decent medical care and benefits, not trying to run a warn on the cheap when claims are made that this is a fight to the death), and maintain our moral high ground. If I fail to do that, and my government fails to maintain the moral high ground and become no better than those whom they fight, who has failed the most? Who is the biggest traitor of American values?


Worse yet, more than a few of you will be cheering these types of steps by the enemy - "just deserts", "what comes around, goes around". It's a disgusting display of self-loathing, self-hatred, verging on sedition.


That's just stupid and, to use a word I'm not quite sure you understand, disingenuous.

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The Bush-haters have been screaming bloody murder about Gitmo, Abu-Ghraib, and "torture" for years - talking from their moral high horse of proper treatment of POWs, due process, and so on.


And we shouldn't be protesting it? We shouldn't be protesting the actions of our own government even though they violate they very principles we profess to honor and uphold? Shouldn't we be 'holding the moral high ground' regardless of their actions? Seems to me you don't understand this country very much, KK.


Silence on similar actions conducted by the enemy only show these protestations for what they truly are: politically-driven, fabricated, and disingenuous.


Need I make some peep about each of their actions on a public form in order to justify any comments I make about my government?

What good would that do? Make YOU feel better? Make Rush Limbaugh feel better? What I CAN do is keep my government's feet in the fire and make sure they treat our own troops properly (e.g. decent medical care and benefits, not trying to run a warn on the cheap when claims are made that this is a fight to the death), and maintain our moral high ground. If I fail to do that, and my government fails to maintain the moral high ground and become no better than those whom they fight, who has failed the most? Who is the biggest traitor of American values?


Worse yet, more than a few of you will be cheering these types of steps by the enemy - "just deserts", "what comes around, goes around". It's a disgusting display of self-loathing, self-hatred, verging on sedition.


That's just stupid and, to use a word I'm not quite sure you understand, disingenuous.



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The Bush-haters have been screaming bloody murder about Gitmo, Abu-Ghraib, and "torture" for years - talking from their moral high horse of proper treatment of POWs, due process, and so on.


And we shouldn't be protesting it? We shouldn't be protesting the actions of our own government even though they violate they very principles we profess to honor and uphold? Shouldn't we be 'holding the moral high ground' regardless of their actions? Seems to me you don't understand this country very much, KK.


Silence on similar actions conducted by the enemy only show these protestations for what they truly are: politically-driven, fabricated, and disingenuous.


Need I make some peep about each of their actions on a public form in order to justify any comments I make about my government?

What good would that do? Make YOU feel better? Make Rush Limbaugh feel better? What I CAN do is keep my government's feet in the fire and make sure they treat our own troops properly (e.g. decent medical care and benefits, not trying to run a warn on the cheap when claims are made that this is a fight to the death), and maintain our moral high ground. If I fail to do that, and my government fails to maintain the moral high ground and become no better than those whom they fight, who has failed the most? Who is the biggest traitor of American values?


Worse yet, more than a few of you will be cheering these types of steps by the enemy - "just deserts", "what comes around, goes around". It's a disgusting display of self-loathing, self-hatred, verging on sedition.


That's just stupid and, to use a word I'm not quite sure you understand, disingenuous.





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Seahawk and KKK,


They've raised the maximum recruitment age to 42, and I know both of you are under that. Rather than spraying about how much you support the troops, although I'm sure the troops really appreciate that, why don't you go out and get some?


Army Recruiting


Let us know how it goes...or why you can't find it in yourselves to put your money where your mouth is.


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