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Dems repeating history? Friday's waste of time.


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I was against the Iraq war even before Saddam attacked us on 911,




what the ALMIGHTY -mother -fuck -are you- the hell -referring to. sir?????



I am referring to the fact that Bush and his warmongering buddies wanted to attack Iraq long before 911, and they lied to the American people and told us that Saddam helped Al Queda do the dirty deed.

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My money's on Obama taking the Democratic ticket and the Oval Office unless he makes a mis-step of Muskie/Hart/Dean proportions somewhere along the way.


Not sure who will take the Republican ticket, but Romney made a massive mistake by trying to burnish his far-right cred at the last minute. The last minute changes of heart pretty much hosed his appeal amongst moderates, and did little or nothing to increase his standing amongst Jerry's kids.

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So be it. I say let the voters decide, not the parties. I'm tired of this bipartisan oligarchy and its stranglehold on the electoral system.


democracy is gone. 2 strikingly similar parties of interchangeable content remain.we elect someone and the second place guy runs the show for 8 years..... we cannot elect an independant!!! so who runs our country. ??? ask yourself who 'w' works for.

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I do keep hoping the Dem's will get their heads out of their asses and actually form a party platform, but thy just don't seem inclined to do so.


I bet they could get somewhere with a national conversation about how America should renounce GWB's cowboy politics and we need legislation or some other mechanism to force the commander in chief to put more emphasis on diplomacy before starting new wars.


I bet they could make progress by talking about how tortured prisoners have yielded sparse if any good information while our being caught engaging in these programs in several different locations over several years, proving it is not an abherration but a policy, has really hurt us. Even if the cynnics are going to say that there may always be cases where it is necessary and the spooks are going to do it anyway, some acknowledgment of what we've been doing and the enactment of tighter restrictions on handling prisoners would help our public image around the world and our self image at home.


National medical care, too, is a topic just waiting for attention and I believe virtually all polls say it has popular support.


And then there's global warming. And on and on.


In all these areas and so many others, just a slight change in the criticize-Bush-but-put-forth-no-concrete-alternative current stance would muake some real difference. The Democrats seem paralized by the fear that they'll lose the moderate voters or alienate anybody who ever goes to church or whatever, but I don't think it would be hard to address these matters and say: HEY, we have room for religion and family values too. After all: unjust war, torturing prisoners, letting half the nation go without proper health care, and destroying the planet are NOT family values or even conservative goals.


The real issue none of them seem to have the stomach to tackle is ethics and lobbying. Maybe they are just as rotten as the Republicans and fear that a Democratic administration is going to be caught by any reforms they might call for now, but I find it hard to imagine any tight group of Dems I've read about is as completely criminal as the Bushies and the Abramoff machine, and so intensely partisan while committing their greedy crimes.

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the biggest problems polits have his eroded power. eroded democracy. we must give a decent man a strong mandate, a strong majority vote. as long as the country is divided 50/50 , democracy is dead. we tried the cowboys a couple of times and their way of doing business is war. war is business. nothing else.

clinton was different. kennedy was different.

we , the people, must do it. polits are hog tied by corporations and/ or have a gun to their heads.

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I bet they could get somewhere with a national conversation about how America should renounce GWB's cowboy politics...

I got a kick out of seeing the image of Ronald Reagun portrayed as a cowboy brandishing drawn six-guns while riding a missile painted on the ceiling of a Tashkent subway platform.




...I find it hard to imagine any tight group of Dems I've read about is as completely criminal as the Bushies and the Abramoff machine, and so intensely partisan while committing their greedy crimes.

I have no trouble imagining this.

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I bet they could get somewhere with a national conversation about how America should renounce GWB's cowboy politics...

I got a kick out of seeing the image of Ronald Reagun portrayed as a cowboy brandishing drawn six-guns while riding a missile painted on the ceiling of a Tashkent subway platform.




...I find it hard to imagine any tight group of Dems I've read about is as completely criminal as the Bushies and the Abramoff machine, and so intensely partisan while committing their greedy crimes.

I have no trouble imagining this.



those boys sure are good at being bad. they set the bar real low!. will america recover?

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I bet they could get somewhere with a national conversation about how America should renounce GWB's cowboy politics...

I got a kick out of seeing the image of Ronald Reagun portrayed as a cowboy brandishing drawn six-guns while riding a missile painted on the ceiling of a Tashkent subway platform.




...I find it hard to imagine any tight group of Dems I've read about is as completely criminal as the Bushies and the Abramoff machine, and so intensely partisan while committing their greedy crimes.

I have no trouble imagining this.



those boys sure are good at being bad. they set the bar real low!. will america recover?


It's not the current political/business machine that's of concern to me as this country has seen as bad or worse in it's history.


The psyche of the general population is where the nation's health is to be assessed.

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I realize that Democrats have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar too, and I think it was for years the Democratic party that stood for graft in some eastern seaboard seaboard states, but don't you guys think Bush and Abramoff have really outdone themselves? And haven't the scandals of Bush, Reagan, and Nixon outshadowed any Democratic presidential foibles in the last 25 years?


It would seam to me the Democrats could do a lot for themselves and for this country if they were to push some real ethics and accountability laws. Everyone knows lying to Congress is a felony, and everyone knows Administration officials lied to Congress repeatedly yet nobody is willing to utter the word "lie" in public. Everybody knows the kind of influence peddling and outright fraud that Abramoff was practicing was way over any line, yet barely a whimper.


Surely they are not worried they'll have a hard time explaining how Bush has been far worse than Clinton, who was investigated non-stop for 7 years without finding any crime in Whitewater, travelgate, stripper gate, etc., and whose aids testified before Congress 85 times and the only lie they ever caught was a lie about a blowjob. Their near-silence on these issues and their complete failure to promote new or old law or policy about corruption in government says to the world: it's all just politics as usual and you can expect more of the same. Lame!



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The NY Times published my letter today.


What letter is that? Post a link please...


Don't bother, you already know what it will say- he wants the troops to gay marry one another, convert to Islam, give their guns to the government, come home with a Mexican under each arm, apply for welfare, smoke weed, burn the flag, have abortions, renounce God, and spend a hap-hap-happy life having anal sex and cheating the welfare system.



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The NY Times published my letter today.


What letter is that? Post a link please...


Don't bother, you already know what it will say- he wants the troops to gay marry one another, convert to Islam, give their guns to the government, come home with a Mexican under each arm, apply for welfare, smoke weed, burn the flag, have abortions, renounce God, and spend a hap-hap-happy life having anal sex and cheating the welfare system.




No, do bother. I'm interested in reading it; it must have been well-written to get onto the letters to the editor page.

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It's on the NYtimes.com website genius. Look under opinion, then letters.



Good on ya Matt, but I still think they oughta just say bring 'em home now. That's basically what they're saying. Out in 18 months means, OK kids, time to start packing up, NOW! If you consider NOW to be arbitrary, I'll have to settle for arbitrary.

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