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Vantage Rock

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Watch out for the hornets nest on the lower trail to the Powerhouse Wall. They seemed to be hanging around the good underclings and small cracks and buzzing around a bit annoyingly. No stings, but be careful and don't kill any, lest they swarm.
I think the nest is near Skinnyman Wall, actually. There were a great deal of these insects buzzing around. You can't miss them. Judging from the old nests they have lived there for a long time.


By the way, I looked at the Kiosk for any posting about raptor closures for Middle East and there was nothing so far. Better go climb there while you can.


Skisports and I tried a route at the far west end of Middle East called Sleeping with the Fishes, 5.7, one star (FA Bill Robins/ Paul Certa, 1997). The book says Standard Rack, but you had better bring one 4" piece for a section of slightly overhanging offwidth crack with not much for feet.


This route struck us both as pretty damn stiff for 5.7. Anyone done this route?

Edited by catbirdseat
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In addition to bees...Watch out for toy rattlesnakes in the walk through grotto to sunshine wall! :crosseye:


The rainshadow for Vantage today started about 1 mile west of the climbing area. Everyone else in the state got soaked. 70F and sun in the afternoon at the climbs. It was sunny for us last weekend too.


Noticed a lot of newer really mediocre routes that have been thrown up in the last 7 years or so near the gullies west of sunshine and jigsaw.


Here is a surprise: Vantage's Balls Wall gets my vote for the most sandbagged sector in WA. The times i've climbed their (today included) the ratings certainly felt stouter than index. The routes are awesome though.

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Everyone else in the state got soaked.


BullFuckingShit we did. Crushed gneiss all day in the wind and scattered sun, tried to rain on us at 4:20 for about 20 minutes but we just went around back and cranked roofs.


I'll post proof once resized.

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Vantage was the place to be this past weekend. We even slept under the stars Saturday night. I went with Wayne and Lane, and we must have bumped into at least 20 people we knew. We climbed at MidEast Wall on Saturday and Millennium/Riverview on Sunday. Much less crowded than Sunshine Wall. We climbed all three- and four-star routes and were

impressed by the quality of the climbing.


George and Quincy didn't have F&W parking passes this past weekend.

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Of what? The safety meeting that took place under the roofs. :grlaf:


You were there too? Funny you could see us pebble wrasslin from that three pitch route you guys were up on...














Hope the rain was good for the rest of you!


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Noticed a lot of newer really mediocre routes that have been thrown up in the last 7 years or so near the gullies west of sunshine and jigsaw.


dude i resemble that remark...it's called the old folks home, if your fat and over 50 thats the place to be ..one mans classics is anothers mans choss...hey at 51 just to be able to climb 5.10 to easy 5.11 is work and i have to keep at it, oh yeah we got tooooo high last weekend and had a realy good time around the pits.

Tequlia the pits and good friends :brew: and some new friends

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Skisports and I tried a route at the far west end of Middle East called Sleeping with the Fishes, 5.7, one star (FA Bill Robins/ Paul Certa, 1997). The book says Standard Rack, but you had better bring one 4" piece for a section of slightly overhanging offwidth crack with not much for feet.


This route struck us both as pretty damn stiff for 5.7. Anyone done this route?


Yah, 5.8, I led it one day when I did a FA or 2 w/ Bill and Paul. Their routes are often stiff, and chossy too. Bill was

a trad stud.

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