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HardGore Liar


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does the president have to fight in a war in order to be able to start one and execute it properly?


prez was elected to make decisions like this (along w/ congress)... Al took on this crusade himself


does he have to run a successful business operation in order to make major decisions about the economy?


(see above)






funny, seems to me being president is also something one does voluntarily, even though you have to go through the hoop of 'being elected'. if you want to dodge and weave around the issues, fine. just say so and the rest of us won't have to waste our time.

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does the president have to fight in a war in order to be able to start one and execute it properly?


prez was elected to make decisions like this (along w/ congress)... Al took on this crusade himself


does he have to run a successful business operation in order to make major decisions about the economy?


(see above)








Riiiiight! Bush didn't choose his job, the job chose him! It was a divine calling. God demanded this of him. The people demanded it of him. Bush is so selfless in how he reached the presidency, what an accident!! what a tireless servant of the public! :lmao:



way to miss the point...


yes he went for the position - but it was ultimately up to the public to give him the power to make such decisions.

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way to miss the point...


yes he went for the position - but it was ultimately up to the public to give him the power to make such decisions.


What "decisions" is Gore making, aside from attempting to convince the public of something in which he believes? Does Gore have to be anointed by the public to have the right to make his case on climate change? Granted, he's surely using his status as a public figure in order to do so. But his personal ambitions/flaws/politics should neither be ignored nor used exclusively to determine the validity of what he saying. But saying "Gore flies around in an airplane wasting fuel, therefore global warming is a crock" defines missing the point.






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saying "Gore flies around in an airplane wasting fuel, therefore global warming is a crock" defines missing the point.


i don't believe i ever said that...nor would i make that sort of bizzar connection.


the 'his decision' point...is that his cred is deminished because he is making such a huge deal out of every little thing that might be causing global warming. he is choosing to be making a deal out of it all. but he is not choosing to make a big deal for himself. if he were as selfless and extreme as certain folks are making him out to be....then he'd be living a little more enviro-frugally...


i'm not arguing the global warming stuff in this thread...just arguing the hypocracy in this one.

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saying "Gore flies around in an airplane wasting fuel, therefore global warming is a crock" defines missing the point.


i don't believe i ever said that...nor would i make that sort of bizzar connection.


You didn't...but that seems to be Sheaf's implied point. And the Limbaughs and his clones on the radio are pretty much taking this tack- destroy Al Gore's credibility, and the credibility of global warming goes down with him. I don't look to Gore as the messiah on this issue- a consensus of scientists worldwide, along with empirical personal observation, is a lot more convincing. Gore's a celebrity with his own interests, BFD about him.


if he were as selfless and extreme as certain folks are making him out to be....then he'd be living a little more enviro-frugally...


Again, both sides getting off track and distracting from the real issue. Supporters turning Gore into a pariah, and detractors using pariah's politics and personal habits to debunk the message, no matter how irrelevant...


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I'd like Sheaf_Stout to clarify his position for us. Which of the following does he believe?


1) Global Warming is not happening, therefore there is nothing to worry about.


2) Global Warming is happening, but not as a result of man's activities, therefore there is nothing we can do about it. Que sera sera.


3) Global Warming is happening, is the result of our CO2 emissions, but the immediate cost of doing something about it is not worth the benefit of avoiding future hardships that result from it.


It has to be something close to one of the above, but rather than bring out his true motives into the open, he decides to obfuscate his position, by instead making ad hominem attacks on a messenger, Al Gore.


My guess is that most conservatives are actually in Camp 3. They don't like to admit being in Camp 3 because that means they are telling all the poor people in places like Bangledesh and the Maldives "too bad, you are going to lose the land on which you live, while I can afford to move to higher ground." This just doesn't look good.

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saying "Gore flies around in an airplane wasting fuel, therefore global warming is a crock" defines missing the point.


i don't believe i ever said that...nor would i make that sort of bizzar connection.


the 'his decision' point...is that his cred is deminished because he is making such a huge deal out of every little thing that might be causing global warming. he is choosing to be making a deal out of it all. but he is not choosing to make a big deal for himself. if he were as selfless and extreme as certain folks are making him out to be....then he'd be living a little more enviro-frugally...


i'm not arguing the global warming stuff in this thread...just arguing the hypocracy in this one.


The facts here are simple. Gore successfully brought the issue to the world in the form of an Oscar winning documentary, which does an excellent job of presenting the scientific data, BTW. If you haven't seen the show, STFU. You have no opinion.


Gore has been working on this issue for three decades. What does he gain from it? Fame? He had that. Riches? He had that, plus he's not collecting personally from his movie. Self satisfaction? Gee, what kind of fucking asshole would want them for themselves?


The bottom line is that Gore used his exposure and connections to accomplish what scientists could not; making the issue known to the public and effectively ending the false media debate as to whether or not Human Caused GLobal Warming is happening. Only idiots and the newly awakened comatose would argue that opposite these days, primarily because of Gore's efforts.


There's nothing not to admire about the guy, frankly.

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