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hey wankers- this is how it's done- Ondra's trip to Spain and France- 2 weeks:

* Estado critico 9a (3. go, according to Adam 8c+ "NEVER 9a"),

* Broadway 8c+ (4. go, Adam suggests grading 8c+/9a),

* Travers de la Enmiend 8c+/9a (4. go),

* L'odi Social 8c+ (2. go),

* Blomu L3 8c+ (3. go, maybe 8c/c+),

* La novena puerta 8c/c+,

* El koala 8b+, first OS, sometimes this route is graded 8c, not by Adam :-),

* Desafiando a Newton 8b+ OS,

* Santa Linya 8b OS,

* Bad Boy 8b OS,

* Blomu L2 8b OS,

* Sexhibition 8b OS,

* Umpah - pah o entre a dos aguas 8b flash,

* Los atletas de la roca 8a+ OS,

* Tirrabolts 8a+ OS,

* Plus dure sera la chute 8a+ OS (French region Baume les dames) .

let's sum it up: 1x9a, 4x8c+, 2x 8b+ OS,5x 8b OS or flash, 3x 8a+OS. it's like doing all the hardest routes in N. America in 2 weeks!


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hey wankers- this is how it's done- Ondra's trip to Spain and France- 2 weeks:

* Estado critico 9a (3. go, according to Adam 8c+ "NEVER 9a"),

* Broadway 8c+ (4. go, Adam suggests grading 8c+/9a),

* Travers de la Enmiend 8c+/9a (4. go),

* L'odi Social 8c+ (2. go),

* Blomu L3 8c+ (3. go, maybe 8c/c+),

* La novena puerta 8c/c+,

* El koala 8b+, first OS, sometimes this route is graded 8c, not by Adam :-),

* Desafiando a Newton 8b+ OS,

* Santa Linya 8b OS,

* Bad Boy 8b OS,

* Blomu L2 8b OS,

* Sexhibition 8b OS,

* Umpah - pah o entre a dos aguas 8b flash,

* Los atletas de la roca 8a+ OS,

* Tirrabolts 8a+ OS,

* Plus dure sera la chute 8a+ OS (French region Baume les dames) .

let's sum it up: 1x9a, 4x8c+, 2x 8b+ OS,5x 8b OS or flash, 3x 8a+OS. it's like doing all the hardest routes in N. America in 2 weeks!



First off.....who is Ondra?

Second......did they have fun? I could care less about the grades.

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hey wankers- this is how it's done- Ondra's trip to Spain and France- 2 weeks:

* Estado critico 9a (3. go, according to Adam 8c+ "NEVER 9a"),

* Broadway 8c+ (4. go, Adam suggests grading 8c+/9a),

* Travers de la Enmiend 8c+/9a (4. go),

* L'odi Social 8c+ (2. go),

* Blomu L3 8c+ (3. go, maybe 8c/c+),

* La novena puerta 8c/c+,

* El koala 8b+, first OS, sometimes this route is graded 8c, not by Adam :-),

* Desafiando a Newton 8b+ OS,

* Santa Linya 8b OS,

* Bad Boy 8b OS,

* Blomu L2 8b OS,

* Sexhibition 8b OS,

* Umpah - pah o entre a dos aguas 8b flash,

* Los atletas de la roca 8a+ OS,

* Tirrabolts 8a+ OS,

* Plus dure sera la chute 8a+ OS (French region Baume les dames) .

let's sum it up: 1x9a, 4x8c+, 2x 8b+ OS,5x 8b OS or flash, 3x 8a+OS. it's like doing all the hardest routes in N. America in 2 weeks!



Shouldnt this be is spray? That is what it is.







Edited by kevbone
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...it's like doing all the hardest routes in N. America in 2 weeks!


let's sum it up:



201gorilla_beating_chest.gif for Adam Ondra, like the kid really needs it...



How is that any different than a solid 5.9 climber onsighting a bunch of nines and putting up a few tens? Sure those climbs are way harder than what most of can do but they are obviously not that difficult for him.

Exactly! It was nothing more than a nice roadtrip for the kid. I hope he had fun.



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man you guys suck. unbelievable. the fact that you can't have appreciation for someone's accomplishments says volumes about you....5.9 bumblers dissing on hard climbers! too funny. (nothing inherently wrong with climbing 5.9 mind you.) i suppose it's cuz the average climber simply can't appreciate what climbing is like in the 5.14 range....

ahhh nothing like the occasional visit to cc.springer to raise the blood pressure!



yeah the kid's definitely new generation, growing up with another mind-set regarding difficulty and expectation. expect warm-ups on 5.14 as a regular thing.

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the fact that you can't have appreciation for someone's accomplishments


I appreciate hard climbing in volumes. But it seem so me that the harder you climb the bigger your ego gets. So if you have to spray about how many hard climbs you tick or how hard the climbs are.....you suck. Tick lists = ego.

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Sexy Cocoa:

No one is saying that we don't appreciate what the kid can do, or that he ain't got a buttload of talent, but to have someone tell us that we are not worthy (i.e., hey wankers - this is how it's done) because we can't do the same is what sucks. In reality, yeah the kid is good, but he's doing nothing more than climbing at or a tad above his level. We've all done that. It's not news.


Refresh below:


How is that any different than a solid 5.9 climber onsighting a bunch of nines and putting up a few tens? Sure those climbs are way harder than what most of can do but they are obviously not that difficult for him.


Exactly! It was nothing more than a nice roadtrip for the kid. I hope he had fun.


I see no flame, slam, or spray on the boy in either of those posts.


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Sexy Cocoa:

No one is saying that we don't appreciate what the kid can do, or that he ain't got a buttload of talent, but to have someone tell us that we are not worthy (i.e., hey wankers - this is how it's done) because we can't do the same is what sucks. In reality, yeah the kid is good, but he's doing nothing more than climbing at or a tad above his level. We've all done that. It's not news.


Refresh below:


How is that any different than a solid 5.9 climber onsighting a bunch of nines and putting up a few tens? Sure those climbs are way harder than what most of can do but they are obviously not that difficult for him.


Exactly! It was nothing more than a nice roadtrip for the kid. I hope he had fun.


I see no flame, slam, or spray on the boy in either of those posts.


it was my mistake to engage kevbone in discourse.

Having said that, your statement above indicates a rather stagnant climbing scene, right? Everyone simply climbs at their level! Well you need to understand that to get to a certain level requires certain, how do I say it, qualities perhaps. what, you'd rather gymnastics simply stay at the level of the somersault? well a somersault is fine and dandy, but some of us want to develop say a front flip woohoo or perhaps a whatchamacallit, you know, pushing personal limits? it's kinda fun and rewarding, and this kid has done it to a high level. pretty cool if you ask me. nice try with the "he just climbs at his limit, like all of us" stuff, but that doesn't really take into account the FACT that some stuff is wayyyyyy more advanced objectively than other stuff. Yes, stuff. try climbing some harder climbs, if you still disagree. you might be required to actually learn something, about yourself, and about climbing.

i hope that doesn't sound too harsh. what, me touchy?

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it was my mistake to engage kevbone in discourse.


Hee hee



Having said that, your statement above indicates a rather stagnant climbing scene, right? Everyone simply climbs at their level! Well you need to understand that to get to a certain level requires certain, how do I say it, qualities perhaps. what, you'd rather gymnastics simply stay at the level of the somersault? well a somersault is fine and dandy, but some of us want to develop say a front flip woohoo or perhaps a whatchamacallit, you know, pushing personal limits? it's kinda fun and rewarding, and this kid has done it to a high level. pretty cool if you ask me. nice try with the "he just climbs at his limit, like all of us" stuff, but that doesn't really take into account the FACT that some stuff is wayyyyyy more advanced objectively than other stuff. Yes, stuff. try climbing some harder climbs, if you still disagree. you might be required to actually learn something, about yourself, and about climbing.

i hope that doesn't sound too harsh. what, me touchy?


That is a nice paragraph you wrote but when you list in public the hard sends you get. Its bragging, any which way you slice it. Sugar coat it all you want....its still spray.








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:tup::tup: Ondra. that is quite a road trip. this is after all the rock climbing forum. I am sure if it were some cool alpine climb everyone, including myself, would be giving some praise.


maybe all of you with your lame responses should be taking it to spray.

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