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Terrorist Attack


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what if kim and osama bombed each other to eliminate the possibility of the other being the first to bomb the U.S.


now, who would you prefer to survive that one? and...would you prefer it for the purposes of having THAT surviver bomb us? or to prevent the other bomber from bombing us?



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Kim Jong Ill. He uses only enriched Uranium in his weapons. Uranium is nature's bounty, straight from the earth. I'm trying to stay healthy these days, and Osama's weapon would likely contain a fusion-boosted plutonium core from a Soviet stockpile. Very unhealthy, IMO, because as most of you already know, Plutonium is not natural.

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Kim Jong Ill. He uses only enriched Uranium in his weapons. Uranium is nature's bounty, straight from the earth. I'm trying to stay healthy these days, and Osama's weapon would likely contain a fusion-boosted plutonium core from a Soviet stockpile. Very unhealthy, IMO, because as most of you already know, Plutonium is not natural.


I don't know. Osama might wish to shop local to support his community. Pakistan also uses enriched Uranium, so I think you might be able to go either way and still adhere to the organic philosophy. Be sure your Uranium 235 is enriched using only the very purest natural spring water.

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I posted this somewhere, and also wanted your opinion:


If there was a nuclear attack on the US, and everyone got killed, who would you wish was the guy who did it, Osama bin Laden, or kim jong-il?


I'm not saying I'm wishing for an attack, mind you. Just if one was inevitable....So my vote would be for Osama to bomb us (if it had to happen).


What do you think?


What do I think?


I think you're a rather disturbed tool to be asking such a question...why don't you head off to REI and weigh the various merits of quick-draws. You'll sleep better with all the dreams of Exit 38 glory.


whatever.... :rolleyes:





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:brew: Yes. I hear it's beautiful. I've read rumors about a Cobalt weapon in the arsenal too. Now that would make for some beautiful blue/indigo desert glassware if retaliation was in order. :grlaf:


Imagine a set of Zambuca glasses that you don't have to light on fire: they already glow.


If I were the US government, I'd start booking tourist charter flights to the Korean peninsula.


It's Spaten Pils time. Later.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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