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Favorite camp ground


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"Camp 4 excluded"


Hidden valley jtree has some pretty good memories, and my personal home away from home. The Skull hollow, camp ground at Smith rock. I can’t even try to count how many times I have slept there over the last 11 years. I did spend New Years 00 in Skull Hollow. Place was packed and cold.


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My memories of Hidden Valley Campground at Joshua Tree go way back to when I was six years old in the 1960's. My dad used to take us there with our Y-Indian Guides tribe (we were the Aztecs).


I don't ever remember having seen a climber in those days. We used to scramble all over those rocks in our Vans tennis shoes.


We'd get pretty high up, or so it seemed to me. The dad's never seemed to worry about us though, and fortunately no one ever had worse than a skinned knee.


We had this giant teepee tent made of canvas that the kids slept in. It was huge and supported by a metal telescoping truss that was cranked upwards. Good thing we never had a lightning storm.


It would get really cold out there in the winter and all I had was a crappy cotton sleeping bag. That was the coldest I've ever been- worse than any bivy since. Add to that misery the sand fight that some of the other monsters started in the middle of the night...great memories.


I'm not sure where this was, but we found some really cool caves under a big jumble of rocks.

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I used to love going to Camp Slime, above the Near Trapps in the Gunks. A short little walk puts you right on top of the Near Trapps, with a great view of the valley.


When I used to go to Cathedral and Whitehorse in NH for a weekend a lot of the time we would camp in a near by firetower. Grab some Indian food and couple bottles of wine after a few mile walk chow and check out the 360 view.


We used to bivy at the base of Summerville Lake wall in NRG. Fun times hanging out on the big rocks, :toad: , going for evening dip, and checking out the stars.


I will second the climbers ranch in the Tetons. Great times hanging out cooking and drinking after a good days climb. I think my friend and I freaked out some European non-climbers one time that were bunked with us. We had just gotten back from a day climb hiking from the ranch up the complete Exum and back to the ranch. Completely drunk and wasted from the climb, all we could say was "wassssup!!!" back and forth, laughing our asses off. Only the two of us could find the humor in our wassup conversation.


I have had numerous good times at Hidden Valley in Josh. One of the better times was hanging out with a couple we met and was climbing with. These two met in a ice cave in Nepal and then arranged a trip each year so they could see each other. We found a cave near our campsite and cooked dinner, drank several bottle of wine and shot the shit all night long.


All of the alpine bivies I have had in the Enchantments, there are some nice places out there that are just beautiful.


I forget the name of the mountain, but it is up near Jasper, a beautiful tri-angular face that rose up 1500+ feet. After a long ass approach we had a ACC hut all to ourselves, it snow during the night which foiled our climbing plans, but good coffee and views of a golden face with patches of fog hanging on made up for it.

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