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Rock quality Question


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So we found this super sweet rock face but its pretty much rotten. But like i said its super sweet. REAL local and a great training ground for further adventures. people have climbed it be for. I'm just wondering what all you 116302633_374753872_0.jpg r opinions on this are. just scrape of the bad stuff an go? or what...





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If people have climbed it before, then ask them.


If it's virgin:


Your first pic looks like if you touch it it's going for a ride. Have a ground crew with a walkie talkie watching the base if there is .001 percent doubt a loose rock could nail a living being. Alternatively tie safety tape around the impact zone. I find that once I start tossing rocks off, most rational wandering human beings will stop some distance away to watch, but not always, so keep an eye out cause they will walk directly below you to see what you are about, without regard towards their own safety if they do not know what you are doing. Rap down from the top with an old rope, make sure the ends of your rap rope are knotted and stuffed into a sack which is on your waist or neck.


Have jumars and a long pry bar with you. Maybe a drill, hangers and bolts too.


Rap a pitch and don't leave any loose stuff balanced above you. So as you go down kick, push or pry it off. You do not want to rope to pluck off that balancing rock you neglected 100 feet up. Get down a pitch and either jug back up or put in a gear or bolt anchor as needed.


Repeat as necessary. Do routes. Have fun.


If the stuff will fall off easy, dump it in a controled manner so it doesn't kill someone is my opinion. Start by asking around first to make sure that others are good with your plan of action. Maybe hang out there for a day and see if anyone shows up and then discuss it, check the area online for info etc etc.. Some of it looks very doable as is though....


Have fun!

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Its sweet because of the ride back to it, its seclusioness, and the fact that with some work it'll be perfectly climbable. I'll post some better photos once i develope them. And nope! its actualy slitely visable from the town. If you know where the gun club is look behind that.

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Funny, enough - this is similar to a wall I strolled underneath out at starvation creek this past weekend. Taking the Starvation Ridge trail instead of Defiance, i snuck a peek along the base. A big mess of moss, choss and a few animal bones. But underneath the roofs, the basalt columns somewhat unbroken.


Then I found bolts heading up a slab. I saw two and didn't follow in the pouring rain, but someone had billcoe's idea: clean it and see what pops out. There was certainly enough "prior wall" along the base. Pulling that stuff could send junk all the way to the 84 with an unlucky roll, so I imagine someone realized this and gave up. You'd have to pull an awful lot of rock to find smiles, but then again, there was maybe a 1/4 mile of wall to check out.


I would name it the Jenga Wall if given a vote. [pull pieces without with having it crash down - heh]


I've typed a few searches here and elsewhere without much. I'm not "starving" for adventure that much. But if someone is, chew on that.


EDIT: picture attachment


Edited by flatwall
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Realy? that sucks... I'm prety sure its not DNR land tho. The local rock quary said they own it. My friend and I have really been researching this wall.We've checked with all the local companies that might be affiliated with it (ex. rock quarry, gun club,ect. ect.). do you work for them?

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