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Please define "contrived"?????


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Oom-pah loom-pah doom-pa-dee doo,

I've got another puzzle for you.

Oom-pah loom-pah doom-pa-dee dee,

If you are wise you'll listen to me.


What do you get when kevbone strikes again?

A pain in the neck and an IQ of ten.

Why don't we try just ignoring the fool,

His posting and posting just ain't cool.


You'll get no

You'll get no

You'll get no

You'll get no

(all together) You'll get no commercials!


Oom-pah loom-pah doom-pa-dee da,

If you're not greedy, you will go far.

And you'll live in happiness too

Like the oom-pah loom-pah doom-pah doom-pa-dee doo!




Will someone please create one of these things that looks like an Oompah Loompah? hahaha.gif

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Any route that people generally rope-up for that includes a sit-start and/or holds/features that are "off" = a contrived route.


Believe it or not, I was trying to ask a serious question. Go ahead and rip me up for even using the word serious. Thanks Jayb for the response. I agree, to say you can’t use a hold within reach, is contrived. Or maybe if you purposefully bolt in such a way to make you climb in a certain direction, is also contrived.


PS I would also say most of the wankers posting on this site are total losers, including me. Why else would you spend your time tearing apart someone else, and hiding behind your computer? Because you are losers, with no life.


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PS I would also say most of the wankers posting on this site are total losers, including me.


Let's just have you speak for yourself there, Charlie.


Why else would you spend your time tearing apart someone else, and hiding behind your computer? Because you are losers, with no life.



This is a refrain you have revisited ad nauseum in post after post. Like you are revealing something to us all that we haven't got yet. Gee, until kevbone came to town, we all thought that everything on here was serious. rolleyes.gif

Thanks for pulling the wool from our eyes. Make sure you keep reminding us with your sage advice, Einstein.





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