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Missing hikers find dead man's pack, survive!


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LOS ANGELES - Two lost hikers survived three nights in rugged terrain thanks to supplies at a campsite of another hiker who vanished last year....


The pair found a backpack containing clothing and matches at the deserted campsite of John Donovan, [exactly] a year to the day after he disappeared in the San Jacinto Mountains.


Kind of creepy.

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It is just awful that an entire family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs.


Thank goodness those hikers were able to survive on their found booty. I wonder if this happens very often? Is there any type of cool "NW Accidents Narrowly Avoided" type book?

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yo, i'd get lost wid her anyday! smileysex5.gif


Just remember what the bumper sticker said...


"No matter how hot she looks, there's some guy out there who's damn fucking tired of her shit." blush.gif


She looks like the type of chick who can afford to dump a dude. More like "No matter how hot she looks, you don't have a fucking chance".

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After reading the account one almost would think/wish the roles should have been reversed. yoda.gif
How's that? Donovan was unlucky while the kids were stupid?



I think chirp was referring to the notion that Recreational Darwinism was thwarted in this instance. Consider this excerpt from the article:


They got lost Saturday west of Palm Springs after wandering off a trail during what was supposed to be a day hike.


At first, they were not too worried because they could hear voices.


“I still felt we were relatively close,” Day said, recalling that he thought the trail would “be around this next boulder.”


Prepared only for a brief hike, they wore light jackets and tennis shoes and had no food, spare clothing or cell phones.

emphasis added by sobo


So I would surmise that the intent of chirp's post was that two unprepared people survived while one prepared person evidently has not.

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yo, i'd get lost wid her anyday! smileysex5.gif


Just remember what the bumper sticker said...


"No matter how hot she looks, there's some guy out there who's damn fucking tired of her shit." blush.gif


She looks like the type of chick who can afford to dump a dude. More like "No matter how hot she looks, you don't have a fucking chance".



Now it's just that kind of a 'tude that gives more credence to the wisdom expressed by the bumper sticker... boxing_smiley.gif

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