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Please help me find my lost friend!!!


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So, this has nothing to do with climbing, but I figured since this is a climbing website and climbers are inherently good people, that you all could help me...


My good friend Nici is missing. frown.gif Nici is not a climber, but I figure that with all of you keeping your eyes open we might be able to help find her.


Nici is white, 33 years old, 5'3", 120 lbs, has dark blonde hair and blue eyes. I realize that this does not clearly define her from the general population but she has an infectious smile. Please see the picture:




She disappeared on January 29th. She lives in Lynnwood and drives a gray 2003 VW Jetta with license plate 991-TEF.




I feel like locating her car would be a huge help in locating her so please keep your eyes open on any back roads or dirt roads that you might use to access climbs. These are roads that most likely have not been checked by other friends or family members.


If you have any information at all please either let me or Trogdortheburninator know and we will pass that on to the authorities. Or you can reach Brad Prince, the detective who is handling her case at 425 388-3827.


Thanks everyone and climb safely!

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I only met Nici a handful of times, but she struck as a very nice and sincere person. My wife knew her well, although they had seen less of each other in the past few years. The fact that their friendship was a closed loop has made this very difficult for my wife since they had no real mutual friends and Nici was the only friend my wife was still in contact with from AT&T. Her disappearance came as quite a shock, but we all hoped for the best.


When we heard the news report Monday night that a body of a 30 year old woman had been found near Burien, my wife feared the worse, but I tried to calm her concerns. Unfortunately her fears were correct as the news confirmed yesterday. Watching the news and TV your whole life, you never expect to see someone that you know in such a horrible situation.


It is frustrating that the news has been so slow throughout the process. We anxiously checked the news report all day yesterday waiting for an announcement. You dont realize how slow half a day is until you are waiting for news like this. Hopefully the investigation can provide some answers to her untimely death.

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