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I'm disgusted by the creeping facisim


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Mr. Jizzy,


The results your test give might not sync with the political or philosophical mindset of some of our sprayers. I mean, take a look at the classifications:


+less than 2 A whining rotter.

+2 to 3 A liberal airhead.

+3 to 4.5 Within normal limits; an appropriate score for an American. (The overall average score for groups tested in the original study is listed in the 1950 publication as 3.84, with men averaging somewhat higher and women somewhat lower.)

+4.5 to 5.5 You may want to practice doing things with your left hand.

+5.5 or higher Have trouble keeping the lint off your black shirts?


This seems to paint liberals as "anti-facists", when there are those that think liberals to be the greatist facists. Perhaps you should do some more research and find a poll that is a little fairer.

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I neither promote, condone, nor disaprove of this test. I am mearly trying to help out AlpineK.


I scored a 2.96, which saddens me. cry.gif When I am Uberator I plan on being mean spirited, nasty, vindictive, and spiteful. the_finger.gif


Regarding the ascertion that fascists are actualy leftists and liberals, I had much the same disscussion with GregW at ASC. His arguement was that conservatives believe in smaller government, while a totalitarian state requires a large governmental machine. By that definition, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini were all extreme liberals. I subscribe to a more conventional political thought, and have difficulty agreeing with GregW's ideas, but I also have trouble dismissing them out of hand.



Mr Izzy

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Only small-government conservatives believe in small government. In other words, not GWB. Many militarists, social conservatives, and other right-wingers believe in large government. Can't have censorship without government censors or an army without a Pentagon!

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Only small-government conservatives believe in small government. In other words, not GWB. Many militarists, social conservatives, and other right-wingers believe in large government. Can't have censorship without government censors or an army without a Pentagon!


Please note:

This discussion is for moderators, Uberators, Fascists, Americans, or people with full-fledged drivers licenses. Please butt out.


Thank you Dru, you know who the experts are.


well you sent me all those nasty PMs last time when i asked kurt... just cause of that i'm not gonna vote for crazyjz for uberator.


Unless you reconsider your stand on voting for me, then you can spray all you want.




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I just finished reading a book about the Middle Ages. The parallels between the early twelvth century and the present are striking. I'll attempt to list some of them.


At that time, Europe was faced with several famines resulting from successive crop failures, because of extremes of weather, in this case, wetter and colder. We aren't having famine, but we are having destructive hurricanes, resulting from Global Warming.


The tenth and eleventh centuries were a period of intense innovation. It was an "pre-industrial revolution". After this time there was a decrease in manufacturing and a resistence to innovation. There was a huge cloth manufacturing complex in Flanders employing many thousands of people. These people were thrown out of work by the English cutting off their wool supply. We are seeing the same as we export manufacturing jobs to China. Why innovate if you can make so much money by cutting costs?


The Black Death arrived in 1347 and resulted in a huge decrease in population. We now worry about possible pandemic flu and SARS, not to mention AIDS.


The Hundred Years War was a period of constant warfare between France and England. We seem to be entering a prolonged period of war with Muslim World.


Humanist thought and rationalism lead by such people as Roger Bacon gave way to mysticism. The Church condemnation of the 219 doctrines brought to an end the attmpt to marry faith and reason. We are now facing similar retrenchment in the form of Intelligent Design and attempts by the church to ban abortion and research on embryonic stem cells.


Defecit spending by government was something we also have in common with 14th Century France.


I must admit I am not much of a scholar of history, but these things seemed obvious to me.

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Regarding the ascertion that fascists are actualy leftists and liberals, I had much the same disscussion with GregW at ASC. His arguement was that conservatives believe in smaller government, while a totalitarian state requires a large governmental machine. By that definition, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini were all extreme liberals. I subscribe to a more conventional political thought, and have difficulty agreeing with GregW's ideas, but I also have trouble dismissing them out of hand.


Greg, as usual, is an ignorant slut. (gratuitous insult for the sake of satisfying your Jizzyhood). Fascism is about the nature of the State, not the size of it. Fascists are just fine with armed gangs of civilian thugs enforcing their rigid definition of who is acceptable, and it's common knowledge that social conservatives love to jerk off to fantasies of being in charge of their own little death squad, and making lists of who would be their targets.


When social conservatives start whining about how liberals are fascists who are stealing their liberty, they usually mean their liberty to abuse, dominate, denigrate, or ride roughshod over people they have deemed undesirable or inferior.

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Although sheep and goats seem similar and can be mated together they belong to different genera. Goats are caprinae and have 60 chromosomes while sheep are ovinae and have 54 chromosomes. At Botswana Ministry of Agriculture, a ram that was kept with a nanny goat impregnated the goat resulting in a live offspring that had 57 chromosomes. This was called "The Toast of Batswana". The hybrid is intermediate between the two parent species in type. It has a coarse outer coat, a woolly inner coat, long goat-like legs and a heavy sheep-like body. Although infertile, the Toast of Batswana was castrated to prevent unwanted sexual behaviour because it continually mounted the sheep and goats sharing its enclosure.
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During the mating season or "rut" the rams butt heads in apparent sparring for females. Rams' horns can weigh more than 40 pounds (18 kg), and frequently show broken or "broomed" tips from repeated clashes. At the same time, rams are known to actively engage in sex with each other, including group sex of up to ten participants. This behavior happens year-round, but ewes show interest in sex only during the mating season.


I should think the parallels with Moderator Status are obvious.

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Greg, as usual, is an ignorant slut. (gratuitous insult for the sake of satisfying your Jizzyhood). Fascism is about the nature of the State, not the size of it. Fascists are just fine with armed gangs of civilian thugs enforcing their rigid definition of who is acceptable, and it's common knowledge that social conservatives love to jerk off to fantasies of being in charge of their own little death squad, and making lists of who would be their targets.


When social conservatives start whining about how liberals are fascists who are stealing their liberty, they usually mean their liberty to abuse, dominate, denigrate, or ride roughshod over people they have deemed undesirable or inferior.


Excellent points all, now go get your asc. membership card, and enter the debate.




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