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Weekend Rock, by David Whitelaw


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"This guide is for climbers with busy lives who want to make the most of their time on the rock."


One of the biggest reasons climbing, like golf, is so addictive is because the only way to keep up the performance is do it a lot. If you don't get out often, your skills deteriorate. Maybe I'm a "rich bumbly" but I find it's pretty damn hard to climb in excess of 10a off the couch.


So given the premise of his book "for climbers with busy lives", I'd say his focus of sub 5.10 is a great idea. I doubt there's a lot of guidebooks out there that have 300 routes in 'em that I could do off the couch. Now there's at least one.thumbs_up.gif

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dru, if you could just STFU for us, that'd be great. instead, hows about you go write a climbing book so you can drop that incredible knowledge you have on us, and stop it with the player hating?


If anyone's a hater here it seems to me it is a guidebook author who thinks "Weekend Rock" doesn't include classics like the I think there is either condescending or deliberate targeting of the stereotypical "rich bumbly" to make a guidebook that stops at 10a. Seems like you're telling potential customers "This guidebook is only of interest to people who will never, ever, be able to climb 10b". Hence the WTF.


Opinions are like assholes...


A guidebook that implies that "trad climbing" is limited to 5.9 and under. confused.gif


Who is doing the implying here?

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yeah---what dirty harry and chuck said. if this book won't apply to you ... don't buy it, don't use it. this seems pretty simple.


OTOH--there are plenty of climbers out there who don't regularly get on harder stuff. nothing wrong with there being a guidebook aimed at them. (me)


haven't seen the book yet but i'll be checking it out and a likely customer for mr. whitelaw thumbs_up.gif


there are plenty of reasons to insult a guidebook, bad topos, poor route descriptions, bad approach directions etc. target audience isn't one of them. sometimes folks are such unbelievable wankers

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Don't hate. Congratulate.


While we are on the subject of congratulating people, I'd like to congratulate/thank Ron Cotman for developing Pearly Gates. It's the best craggin' in the Icicle in my opinion. I'm glad he got on the cover of the book too.




BTW: If anyone would like to try to order "Weekend Rock" for $0 plus $5 shipping, CLICK HERE. Your order will be cancelled, but it's a fun little game. yellaf.gif

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Oh be nice everyone. What Dru is trying to say is that he only owns, and will only ever own, one climbing guidebook and it runs from 5.9-5.12 because any other type of climbing is either beyond him or below him.


Can you blame him for having a narrow perspective?


And I know lots of folks who'd love a copy of this!

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I don't know a whole lot of weekend warriors who lead multi pitch 5.11 trad off the couch, and if he can fill the book with cruiser, classic routes that appeal to people juggling a career, home, children, etc that get out maybe 5-10 times per year....then it's a service to those people. Why do you care?


I guess it's an insult to chest thumping hardmen who onsight 5.12 cracks like Dru...oh wait....


You should be glad that he's steering them to a few specific routes because it keeps them from bumbling up your favorite areas, no?

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