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Men over X


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Speaking of insecurities, it seems like there are quite a few people who aren't able to differentiate between conversations that pertain to differences that exist at a global, population level an their own characteristics.


Say something like - on the average, men are larger and physically stronger than women - and you get a shrill denunciation and the anecdote about the chick down the street who used to be a member of the East German powerlifting team that still cleans 300. Exeption that proves the rule.


Not true everyone, not true for you, yup. Not true at all - not so sure.


Effects of Potential Partners' Physical Attractiveness and Socioeconomic Status on Sexuality and Partner Selection." Archives of Sexual Behavior 19:149-164. "


Brief Summary:


John Marshall Townsend, professor of anthropology at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University showed a group of female medical students, law students and professionals pictures of men dressed in different ways — wearing, for instance, a fast-food uniform or a designer suit and Rolex watch. He also gave participants descriptions of each man's social status.


The results were decisive. "Here's Mr. Hottie, but if he's in the wrong costume, and given the wrong status description, then she won't go out with him, much less go to bed with him or marry him," said Townsend. "You could put Cary Grant in a Burger King outfit, and he looks dorky."


If women do occasionally date "down" in terms of social status, Townsend said, "that would be out of desperation."


By contrast, he says, men are likely to date any physically attractive woman. When it comes to marriage, "guys are not completely insensitive to social class," but, he said, they're "not looking for socioeconomic gain."

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I can't quote specifics, but in the past I have read of studies that seem to show that males and females both tend to partner with people of the same socio-economic class/position. Who knows...


All I know is, I know enough women who have made it on their own financially that it's not accurate to say all women look for wealthy men to partner with.


OTOH, I know women who married right off and started having kids, and would find it very difficult, because of the path they took as young adults, to achieve the lifestyle they have as a married women w/ kids, on their own.

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They come runnin' just as fast as they can

coz every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.


I'm not so sure that this is simply a case of "the clothes make the man". It could be an issue of perceived self-confidence and someone who takes care of themselves as opposed to socio-economic status.


I'm curious - do you commonly wear a Burger King uniform?


Most guys don't understand that the biggest problem that they have with women isn't their wallet, it's them.


1. Be yourself, but take care of yourself. Get some nicer clothes that you are comfortable in. Get a decent haircut. If you've been getting your haircut the same way for 10 years, you may want to get some professional help. Give up the ghost, bro.


2. Show some backbone. I've never met a woman that said she wanted the self-deprecating needy little shit at the bar.


3. Don't get carried away. nobody likes an asshole.


Quit blaming the lack of companionship on others. It really is your fault. You can choose to do something about it or you can die alone.

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I believe that many women are not consciously aware of the choices they make. They say they detest "jerks" and "a-holes". But this flies in the face of the huge number of unwed mothers out there. You may say that they didn't know they were getting involved with jerks, but I say yes they DID know.


yes and of course this only applies to women. i've never heard a guy whine about being "trapped" by some scheming bitch who got knocked up. rolleyes.gif those poor defenseless guys didn' know--it was only the women who knew.


better make sure the seams are sealed on that asbestos suit CBS

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