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OH yeah? Take this!


1. pwned link send redefine 1,421 up, 335 down


A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."


Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."


It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force."Man, I rock at my job, but I still got a bad evaluation. I was pwned."




"That team totally pwned us."

Source: Daniel Rivera, Apr 11, 2003

2. pwned link send redefine 345 up, 98 down


Unlike the other people who have posted definitions that are ridiculous, do not have substantial backing, or are simply mis-informed, I will give the complete definition of what "pwned" means.


1. The origins of "pwned" are debated but there are two possible sources:

a. A prominent quake player mis spelled "owned" and the new word "pwned" was adopted by people who thought it was "1337".

b. A warcraft map designer misspelled "owned" and thus people started using "pwned" instead.


The definitions are as follows:

In video games:

1. Completely annihilated or dominated.

2. Perfectly owned, meaning the other player did not do any damage.I pwned your head with my awp.




I just pwned your ass noob!

Source: jack, Nov 17, 2003

3. pwned link send redefine 222 up, 125 down


What happens to retards who keep arguing about the origin of pwned on the InternetYou guys were just pwned

Source: Justin, Mar 18, 2005

4. pwned link send redefine 170 up, 99 down



The past tense of the word "pwn," which means "to kick the ass of (an opponent)."



Contrary to popular belief, "pwned" did not originate in Warcraft. A top Quake player mispelled "owned" and the term quickly spread to less players and eventually to nearly the entire population of online gamers. The word is usually used in online FPS and RTS games.



Pwned is often said to an individual's lesser opponent after the greater person or team has defeated his enemy.


Can also be used when verbal superiority is shown in an arguement, for instance, on a video or computer game message board/forum."My archers pwned your wyvern, noob."


"Clan AIC just pwned you mother fuckers."


(After delivering a perfect arguement):


Source: gangbanger, Sep 22, 2003

5. pwned link send redefine 75 up, 39 down


a common typo of owned that is used in the same way, or more sarcasticly to mock 1337 speak. If you think pwned can be attributed to a single source you are retarded.retard1: pwned originated with quake

retard2 no it started with warcraft

nonretard: Its a fucking typo, like 'teh'or 'pron'. I you were older than 11 you'd know typos happened even before 1337 made tham 'cool'.

otherguy:you faggots just got pwned!

Source: pwner, Feb 15, 2005

6. pwned link send redefine 35 up, 40 down


A corrupted version of the word "owned". Originated from warcraft when a designer spelled owned wrong. Instead of it saying (INSTERT NAME HERE) has been Owned, it said (INSERT NAME HERE) has been pwned.


The word pwned or owned means to be made a fool of. This word is generally used in gaming and on the internet.Player 1: OMG LIEK YOU JST GOT PWNED!!!1

Player 2: Shut up.

Source: Grade-A, Feb 3, 2005

7. pwned link send redefine 69 up, 74 down


someone or something having total domination over an object(Jail shower scene)

Dood, i dropped the soap and then i was pwned.

Source: Jeff, Jun 27, 2003

8. pwned link send redefine 37 up, 27 down


Created in 1972 by the 3rd SOG (Special Operations Group) when a Lt. Colonel Hank Munro shot a Vietnamese sentry with a Mk22 Hush Puppy. Due to the tension at the time, he inadvertantly said "pwned" instead of "Delta, move in and eliminate all hostiles." The subsequent death of Lt. Col. Munro as he charged a heavily fortified position lead to the term "pwned" being adopted as short-hand for "that dumbass just got his ass whupped in a helluva funny way.""Did you see that car crash where 27 people died after someone swerved to avoid a cat?"


Source: Sledge Sparrow, Why would you want to know that?, Jun 22, 2005

9. pwned link send redefine 48 up, 59 down


typo or netspeak for "owned"dude! I pwned you in UT2004!

Source: fkdup74, Jul 30, 2004

10. pwned link send redefine 17 up, 32 down


A basic error on the part of a Warcraft Map Designer; It is a misinterpretation of the word "owned"

In gaming language, it means to be elite and "totally dominate" or to "Own" with a "p" or "Pwn"


It can also be used as sort of a refrence to being "elite" or "uber"


This word was first used when a Warcraft Map Designer screwed up in his designing and programmed the computer(when the other player had lost) to say "You were owned." He made a typo and instead the computer ended up saying "You were pwned."1."Dude, I just pwned you!"


meaning "Dude, I just owned you!"


2. "Dude, my 90th-level sorceror pwns!"


meaning "Dude, my 90th-level sorceror owns!"

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I've been considering a change to this: bananasplits_02.jpg

Are you trying to say something about us peeps here at cc.com??? I used to watch that show--I can't remember what it was...H.R. Puffinstuff?


Tra La La Tra LaLaLa


One banana, two banana, three banana, four, four bananas make a bunch and so do many more....


The Banana Splits!!! rockband.gif

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Wikipedia again


Rarely, with the introduction of such applications as teamspeak and general real life meeting of familiar gamers, some have been known to pronounce the more common terms such as "pwn" (pawn, pown, poon, pween, pwown, pa-*wicka*-wown), "own", and "noob" (nub, nüb, noob, newb, naab, nublet, n00blet, nubsicle, n00bsicle, nu6).


Examples in non-gaming groups have been noted, including pronunciation of "teh" in place of the definite article in speech.


Also, a student on the television show Jeopardy for Kids wagered enough money to make his final score "1337".

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