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National Generosity Index


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From the Catalog for Philanthopy:


How the Generosity Index works


The 2005 Generosity Index (GI), using 2003 IRS data, is located here at our website:

www.catalogueforphilanthropy.org/cfp/db/generosity.php?year=2005. The word “Index” means “indication,” in accordance with its Latin root; the GI does not measure or compare philanthropic generosity as such, much less moral character of states or their populations. It merely reports IRS numbers, from annual summaries of personal income tax returns — Average Adjusted Gross Income (AAGI in MA: $58,408 in 2003) and Average Itemized Charitable Deductions (AICD in MA: $3,122). We use the IRS numbers not because they are ideal for the purpose, but because they are the only data frequently and freely available that include both income and charitable giving (ICDs capture about 80% of all personal giving). We invoke both giving and income because philanthropic generosity is not how much one gives, but how much one gives in relation to how much one has.



The Results:



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Thanks for the correction I was remembering that from my one year of latin at grammer school in England in 1965. It is the only verb I learnt I think I got 37 % on the year.

WTF is bo bis bit ?

Nils despirundum is one embossed on a tonic water bottle I found in my back yard while digging the foundations for my house. From the gold rush days.

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