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Weekend Thread


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Except, maybe, that I got my very first memory stick, 1 GB, which holds a shit-bucket-load of stuff, and I'm using it right now (not that way, gutter-brain--too small--it's WAY small, tiny, and it holds, did I say, 1 GB of data??), and it has nothing to do with the weekend, because I bought it today, and everyone knows, Monday is SO not the weekend, and so, my friends, carry on. the_finger.gif

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Driving back from Leavenworth this weekend, we encountered the start of a stop-and-go line at the Index turn-off. I remembered driving from Gold Bar to Index via a gravel backroad several years ago and decided to give it a go. (It's the one that continues on past the Lower Wall parking.) Turns out they've paved it all the way to it's connection with the May Creek Rd. Taking the May Creek Rd west took us to the west side of Gold Bar which cut out about 13 miles of stop-and-go traffic. Combined with Kellogg Lake Rd and the Ben Howard Rd to 203 and Duvall-to-Woodinville and we spent very little time with the masses on HWY 2.


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bla bla and more bla, stayed up till 5am worked 7am to 3 on sat stayed up till 230 or 3 am and worked 7am to 12 on sunday

and somewhere in this time frame maneged to kill off a 5th or jose' by myself and a 5th of yager (of which i drank about 3/4) along with copious amounts of beer

gosh what a productive weekend

can't wait till next weekend rolleyes.gif

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