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How Much Time Dru spends on Cascadeclimbers?


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I know this belongs in the Spray forum, but stay with me for a moment. I'm trying to figure out how much time Dru has spent on Cascadeclimbers since he registered on 02/08/01


So I calculated the days up till now - 1663 days


Then I checked how many posts he's added - 27008


I estimated how much time he reads and then places a post (corrections and all) on average - 5 mins


Then I did the math... 27008 * 5 = 135,040 minutes or 2250.66 hours or 93.7 days


I figure Dru has spent 81.20 minutes a day and everyday(135,040 minutes/1663 days) for the past 5 years on this website.


And I just want the last 5 minutes of my life back! moon.gif

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Busted, Beeyotch. You better hope your boss doesn't read this thread Drul.


But I'm not billing my time so WTF does it matter? confused.gif


If'n you're not billin', you're not makin' money for the company. Speaking of... It's past lunch time here and I ain't done shit yet.

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See, you can make this more positive. Figure out how many hours you actually work per day (that time spent away from posting, in case we've forgotten). Then, divide your day's pay by those hours. Then you know how much you are actually making per hour.

When I did this simple math, my Monday felt a lot better.

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Speaking of... It's past lunch time here and I ain't done shit yet.


So we can expect a poo thread as soon as the coffee hits your colon?


Go eat a quart of cherries and a couple cobs of corn and then sit back and wait for the ass bomb. That'll give you some quality spray time. moon.giffruit.gifmoon.giffruit.gifmoon.giffruit.gifmoon.gifpitty.gifhahaha.gif

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I used to post a TON on here and still not even close to half the spray and that's not considering the quiver of avatars. a MACHINE


Oh my god whats the matter Cobra Commiainder did you forget to put your disguise on this morning? evils3d.gif

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Speaking of... It's past lunch time here and I ain't done shit yet.


So we can expect a poo thread as soon as the coffee hits your colon?


Go eat a quart of cherries and a couple cobs of corn and then sit back and wait for the ass bomb. That'll give you some quality spray time. moon.giffruit.gifmoon.giffruit.gifmoon.giffruit.gifmoon.gifpitty.gifhahaha.gif


I was at a pig-roast this weekend. All backed up and nowhere to poo.

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Oh my god whats the matter Cobra Commiainder did you forget to put your disguise on this morning? evils3d.gif


Did someone just get OUTTED? OMFG! tongue.giftongue.gif


Rumur is that Dru gets paid minimum wage to stir the sh*t up, and is real close to retirement now cause his bank account is full.

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Come on guys...Did you read the last line? I was just making the point that he has wasted too much of his life on this site! All in good humor of course.


i get beta, partners from here to Vegas, free beers from people i never met, PMs from pretty girls... i wouldnt call it wasted! bigdrink.gif

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