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Shoot-To-Kill Policy Deployed in London


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Reports state that London police have deployed a shoot to kill policy against suspected suicide bombers, as described by witnesses a couple hours ago:


"As he run onto the Tube train he sort of half-tripped. He was hotly pursued by what I just knew to be three plain-clothes police officers. He half-tripped and was half pushed to the floor.


"One of the police officers was holding a black automatic pistol in his left hand. They held it down to him and unloaded five shots into him. I saw it. He's dead. Five shots, seriously he's dead."




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From the LA Times


"The chase began in the street outside the station as plainclothesmen converged on a man running through traffic, an eyewitness told the BBC. The commotion appeared to surprise several uniformed officers guarding the station entrance as part of an extraordinary citywide security deployment, indicating that the plainclothes officers were pursuing a focused, fast-moving investigation, the eyewitness said.


A swarm of plainclothes officers armed with pistols, shotguns and sub-machineguns chased a man into the station, witnesses said. The man hurdled a turnstile and ran onto a waiting train with police on his heels, witnesses said.


Mark Whitby, a commuter, told BBC television that he was sitting on the subway train reading the newspaper when the fugitive and the police burst through the open doors. The man was a stocky young Asian, possibly of Pakistani descent, and wore a baseball cap and a padded winter-style coat, Whitby said. After a melee in which the suspect fell or was wrestled to the floor, an officer opened fire at close range as passengers screamed and cowered, Whitby said."

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From BBC

He had been under survelance for some time after the previous bombings. Another passenger on the train, Anthony Larkin, told BBC News the man appeared to be wearing a "bomb belt with wires coming out".


Chances are it was an ipod. But if not, good. He wanted to die they just saved some other people in the process. Good ridance.

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Jesus, that's so fucking stupid I can't believe you're serious.


yeah .. that's me ... "fucking stupid" .... having lost a friend in 9/11 does that to you


Sorry you lost a friend on 9/11. Still doesn't change the fact that shooting on "suspicion" is f*ck*ng way out of control.


Defend your second amendment rights folks.

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We suspect "shooting on suspicion", but we don't know what they knew or thought they knew.


Exactly. We don't know why they shot him.


But one thing I do know is that "he didn't cooperate" or "he ran away" shouldn't be sufficient reason to execute someone.


I think the British public has the right to an explanation.

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Jesus, that's so fucking stupid I can't believe you're serious.


yeah .. that's me ... "fucking stupid" .... having lost a friend in 9/11 does that to you


Sorry you lost a friend on 9/11. Still doesn't change the fact that shooting on "suspicion" is f*ck*ng way out of control.


Defend your second amendment rights folks.


Wow, they have the second amendment over in England too? That's cool.

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if you were innocent .. would you run from the cops?


Yes. I've done it before.


You wanted to be thought guilty?



No, I just didn't want to talk to the cops and they obviously wanted to "talk" to me. Why should I risk getting roughed up by some meathead cops who obvioiusly mistook me for some crime suspect when I knew I could outrun the portly fuckers?


There was a Supreme Court case recently (within the last 10 years or so) that decided that running from the cops was justified and did not constitute probable cause for search/arrest/etc.


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