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I took 2 friends from out of town on a scramble under the northeast face of pilchuck yesterday. When we where directly below the lookout cabin I looked up to see a body tumbling down the cliffs.........then.....I noticed that it was springing off the cliffs like a basketball.....wait....it's a stuffed dummy. There were about 7 or 8 teens screaming and yelling as it went down. They didn't have us fooled.....but most likely pissed at that point. Turns out they had a rope tied to it in order to pull it back up for there "funny" prank. It got stuck and they proceeded to yell at us, demanding we up-climb and free the dummy.........they then saw the "bird" . After that one of them started to down-climb the cliff in order to free it. I thought we were going to become members of the rescue....but he backed off.This was funny b/c I was warning them to watch out for frat boyz throwing rocks down off the summit as we traversed beneath it. Past that we saw no humans as we headed off towards the "poor manz enchanments"...

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Around what time was that? I was up there w/ a group of people on Sat. There were a bunch of teenagers hanging around the lookout, but I didn't see a dummy. From the lookout we followed along the ridgeline towards the lakes, but turned back due to time constraints as soon as we caught a glimpse of them. We traversed below the summit on the north side on the way back. Didn't see anybody drop anything. That was around 2 or 3 in the afternoon.


Nolanr....we were under the cliffs after you...probably around 4. They probably didn't see you as you went under them....maybe they were stiching it together at that point. They definately would of thrown it down at you if they spotted you....we were the best targets for there prank.The actual dummy looked pretty real I must say. He was wearing a baseball cap that never fell off his head....amazing.


Imagine! Teenagers; acting like...teenagers.


Hey! At least they weren't hanging out at the Schurman Hut smokin' dope with the ranger, or at Muir gettin' high with all the losers that lurk around here. blush.gif


The dummy didn't piss me off to much....how could it? It was more the yelling for the 10 minutes while we were in range of the peanut gallery that sucked. Next time I go to Pilchuck I'm gett'in rambo and bringing the rocket launcher...I wouldn't be aiming at the stuck dummy though

That would've scared the crap out of me at first, then pissed me off. I don't think it's particularly funny.


Yeah, about as funny as the spotlight operator that fell off the lighting truss during the Metallica show in the Key a few years ago and was carted off on a backboard by the medics, charred from the pyro and mangled from the fall.


It's pretty awful to see one of your own take a fall like that that he may not survive before you realize it's "part of the show."



Imagine! Teenagers; acting like...teenagers.


Hey! At least they weren't hanging out at the Schurman Hut smokin' dope with the ranger, or at Muir gettin' high with all the losers that lurk around here. blush.gif


Be careful what you wish for; you can be stoned and still do that kind of shit. wink.gif


I gotta say, though:




Indignation about how some irresponsible teenagers might possibly upset some innocent bystanders (though they didn't fool me) is, while perhaps justified, maybe a tad unrealistic.


When I was an irresponsible youngster we once set up a dummy on a "clothes line" so we could make him run out in front of cars. Stupid and wreckless? For sure. Somebody could have been killed trying to avoid hitting our little guy. But at age 12, we thought it was pretty funny -- and when the drivers got out to check, we pelted them with snowballs.


I'd have given those youngsters a good lecture, but I'd have been equally sure it wouldn't have meant much.


Maybe I would've appreciated the humor more if I'd seen it myself. Oh well. Yeah I'm sure I did dumb stuff when I was younger, too. Probably still do from time to time.


No doubt....I'm sure we've all done stuff like this. I saw the humor in it at the time. There also were some females involved so.....boys will be boys.....and girls will be girls...lets give everybody a fair shake. We passed by them after we came up that gully from the east summit up to the true summit lookout. Seems as if they had the whole lookout claimed to there group for an overnight........we just kept walking past it. At that point and hour or 2 after the dummy incident.....none of us were in the mood to lecture these kids....we really didn't care that much anymore. I guess the lecture came from us while we were below them anyways.....you gotta love sign-language.

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