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Killer Margarita Recipe


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There is more to life than climbing. Like drinking. If you like strong margs, try this one:

4 ozs. fresh-squeezed lemon juice (usually requires two large lemons)

6 ozs. triple sec (or Cointreau if you want to spend a lot of money)

8 ozs. tequila (it pays to use good stuff; light gold or gold tequila will provide a richer-tasting drink than white tequila)

2 cap fulls Rose's Lime Juice

Splash of Sweet & Sour mix (Rose's and Sweet & Sour are available in any grocery store)

Stir, and serve over ice; don't blend; salt glasses if desired.

Put the leftover drink in the freezer. It won't freeze, but you will end up with the best damn slurpee you've ever had.

They don't call me Mr. Good Time for nothin'.

John Sharp

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Fresh squized lemons... hmm, haven't tried that one. My secret recipe is exactly yours, except with a touch of OJ instead of the lemons. I'll try yours if you try mine....


Professional Alcoholic

(and of course i waited 'till i was 21 to go into my line of work....)

Then we all know about Gatoritas, right? Try the ultimate Gatorita, 1 part orange gat. to 3 parts citrus gat. ... add Tequila to taste (or need) and voila, almost as good as having triple sec, minus the weight. Not that i'd be hauling alcohol up a mountain.... certainly not me....

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No, way! Lemon juice in a margarita is a heresy practiced by people like the Santa Fe Cafe. It's lime juice, triple sec, and tequila (and salt.) I don't measure, I mix to taste (maybe THAT'S why it ends up tasting so darned good!) but generally, about equal parts tequila and lime juice, and real easy on the triple sec. Salt the rim, dump in the ice and the margarita, and leftovers will never be a problem.

You're right about the blender, though, GT. Leave it on the shelf.

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My good friend Alpine Tom is right that lime juice can be substituted for the lemon juice, or you can mix the two. But whether you're a lemon or lime kind of guy (or gal), at least try this with the proportions mentioned above. You'll see. Or if you drink enough of it, you won't see.

Drunk tested; Drunk approved.


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another classic!

the brass monkey:


one forty oz. of the bold gold ole' english! no ice or light plz.....

drink er' the top of the label. true conasurrier will race their bros! for the quick buzz.

next take cold orange juice(not from concentrate!) and fill er' up.

now you have a true thugz drink.

a couple notez. don't used calcium added oj as it does something funny to the drink. more like it tastes nasty.

another tasty one, that most of you won't like is....

the tacoma (this one is dedicated to aidian)

first take a martini glass (a sign of a classy drunk)

fill her up to about half was with red wine.

now put equal part spiced rum in it and half an ice cube, it has to be half.

now you have a tacoma. kinda nasty, but in that strange way kinda good! you be the judge.

quite the story behind this one! but you will all have to buy my book to get the details. out of print currently but looking for a publisher!

[This message has been edited by erik (edited 05-01-2001).]

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