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[TR] Colchuck Peak- Northeast Buttress 6/26/2005


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Climb: Colchuck Peak-Northeast Buttress


Date of Climb: 6/26/2005


Trip Report:

Theron and I had a great time on this route, although we were constantly bedeviled by "routefinding issues." The Kearney start was not accessible due to a huge moat, so we started roughly on the Beckey version, making a harder (but recommended, it was fun) start on 5.8 cracks for 25 meters straight up to reach a ledge. After flirting with "rotten pink rock" we climbed a chimney and traversed our way over to treed ledges. A really enjoyable clean 5.5 pitch in a dihedral then across a face followed. Now on the long ramp left, we probably went too far and climbed (somewhat scary) slabs to an airy belay, then were saved by a 5.8 corner crack and easier terrain that led to the ridge crest. The crest was fun for two pitches, then we traversed right to get around a headwall. Another 2-3 pitches of mid-fifth and easier topped us out 20 feet below the summit on the ridge. We saw one good fixed piton and numerous bail slings low on the route, but nothing above halfway. We took 8 hours on the route, having to backtrack or ponder situations several times. A nice adventure!


Gear Notes:

medium rack, 50 meter thin rope (doubled). No need for crampons.

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Thanks, I made that from a high res scan of a pic I took on the Serpentine Arete one year ago. Now on this climb I got great pictures of the Arete. It's pretty cool to climb routes on opposite sides of the Colchuck Glacier Freeway from each other laugh.gif.


Anybody do the Northeast Buttress of Dragontail? I think that is next on my list...(and the obligatory Backbone if I get the courage for 5.9 offwidth).

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