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It's a Wonderful Day for Spray


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What about 42 year old Tom Cruise Proposing to 26 year old Katie Holmes in Paris?? hmm..now that's good news!! Good little catholic girl converting to sciencetology...hmm I give their marraige 1 year and 3 months...wages?? anyone??

how long have they been dating now? a whole two-and-a-half months? rolleyes.gif i can't see it lasting either ...

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For those of you who just can't (after all...) get enough of Terri Schiavo, I just heard that Jeb "not another" Bush is having the Fla. attorney General investigate the circumstances surrounding Teri's death. Just to show the world whiat a vindictive a-hole he is, I guess. Oh well, back to the recreational flesh rippers.

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yeah..well..I work with a bunch of Docs....trust me..it could be worse! but yeah..the regular pay and health insurance...I kinda like it!! but the 8 til 5 (where the hell dolly got 9-5 I dunno) sux.

i can only imagine. i worked a temp job for a dr at uw once. i thought he was worse than some of the lawyers i've known. yeah, whatever happened to 9-5? or how about 9-3? or 10-2? or ... cantfocus.gif TGIF!!! bigdrink.gif

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yeah..docs are a different species for sure..just because they save lives every day..doesn't make them GOD!! but don't tell them that!! they go spouting off big words and egos equally as large..uggg....TGIF!! Happy hour anyone?? Think'in mccormics for their $1.99 burgers or dragon fish for the $.99 sushi specials...yummm...TGIF

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Nevermind. My brain is spend. I thought I had finally figured out the last aspect of my research and it turns out i'm still partially screwed. frown.gif, slightly less screwed than yesterday, but still screwed. I think I need many drinks.


research sucks. If not as much as an actual job it's damn close. cry.gif

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For Gary Y:


"You're missing the ENTIRE point of joining a University Mountaineering Club:


Become the gear secretary spend the budget on your own climbing gear and trips to Font then buy some some second hand kit and pass it off as new gear for the freshers, Scare the shit out of them on their first trip out to a crag they never return to the club leaving just your mates the money and the gear...scam complete... we did this for 3 years running"


If they think that that is the prime benefit of running a university climbing club, they are really missing out. pitty.gif


Gary does it for the girls.

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