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seattle commie city


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Does that still rhyme in the mother tongue?


Russians don't focus on rhyming: link

yeah, rather they focus on revising history. the link: http://www.soviet-empire.com/ussr/viewtopic.php?t=28616

is the biggest bunch of lies i have red in a long time. yeah, stalin and soviet union was a fucking paradise and the rest of the world was bend on destruction of the paradise. big femmin didn't happen, same with pact Ribentop- Molotov. like attack on poland in 1919 and sep 17 1939 is a myth. finland is the most agressive country in europe. only 80 soviet divissions entered a sovern country and they decleared war! how dared they!

in 1940 about 20 000 polish oficers, policmen, doctors, teachers from camps in Ostaszkow and Kozielsk were executed near Katyn. Each of the prisoners was shot in the back of the head with a pistol. their hands were bound behind their backs, their heads were wrapped with coats (wire was used for both hands and coats). in order to avoid screaming their mouths were filled with sand or a saw dust. and even now, almost 60 years later "progressive" russian government will not release almost 70 000 pages of documents to polish comission investigating this crime.

all i can say- i am convinced now a good commie is a dead one.

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yeah, rather they focus on revising history. the link: http://www.soviet-empire.com/ussr/viewtopic.php?t=28616

is the biggest bunch of lies i have red in a long time. yeah, stalin and soviet union was a fucking paradise and the rest of the world was bend on destruction of the paradise. big femmin didn't happen, same with pact Ribentop- Molotov. like attack on poland in 1919 and sep 17 1939 is a myth. finland is the most agressive country in europe. only 80 soviet divissions entered a sovern country and they decleared war! how dared they!

in 1940 about 20 000 polish oficers, policmen, doctors, teachers from camps in Ostaszkow and Kozielsk were executed near Katyn. Each of the prisoners was shot in the back of the head with a pistol. their hands were bound behind their backs, their heads were wrapped with coats (wire was used for both hands and coats). in order to avoid screaming their mouths were filled with sand or a saw dust. and even now, almost 60 years later "progressive" russian government will not release almost 70 000 pages of documents to polish comission investigating this crime.

all i can say- i am convinced now a good commie is a dead one.


no arguments from me.


but the moral relavists will tell you the US is just as bad...


and there are lots of folks who still have fond memories of dear old Uncle Joe (Iosif Vissarionovich)



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just as bad? no. things we need to fix? yes.

and this is what i am talking about. so where do you think the idea of concentration camps originated? there are documented facts of NKWD teaching gestapo their methods of torture.

just read a couple of books by this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Suvorov

then of course your lazy ass bastards won't bother reading it anyway. so to cut a long story short in painful detail this guy traces history of cooperation between 3rd reich and ussr. and these are not documents produced by americans or brits, but they are official soviet transcrips. in short the conclusion of this (and many others) work is simple: without soviets there would not be hitler. so putting up lenin's monument in a middle of a city is to people who experienced soviet terror first hand like erecting hitler's monument to jews.

soviets and lenin/stalin era as bad as hitler? you bet and 10 times worst.

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Facism and communism as practiced in the real world both share the whole cult of personality thing.


I'm sure you could get more traction if you were talking about a statue of Stalin as opposed to Lennin, but as it stands I think most people view the statue of Lennin as kitchy art.


I just think it is ironic that the statue was put in place at the point where Fremont changed from a run down neighborhood for artists and hippys to a flashy trendy place to be.


I recently saw a bumper sticker:


Fremont Sucks Now

thanks suzzie



Hey KK


Booga booga yabba yabba ugh.... hahaha.gif (get it)

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and this is what i am talking about. so where do you think the idea of concentration camps originated? there are documented facts of NKWD teaching gestapo their methods of torture.

just read a couple of books by this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Suvorov

then of course your lazy ass bastards won't bother reading it anyway. so to cut a long story short in painful detail this guy traces history of cooperation between 3rd reich and ussr. and these are not documents produced by americans or brits, but they are official soviet transcrips. in short the conclusion of this (and many others) work is simple: without soviets there would not be hitler. so putting up lenin's monument in a middle of a city is to people who experienced soviet terror first hand like erecting hitler's monument to jews.

soviets and lenin/stalin era as bad as hitler? you bet and 10 times worst.


Adolf Hitler admired Josef Stalin's ruthlessness, and even once commented that when he needed a governor for a conquered Soviet Union, Stalin would be his first choice.

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if you look at the numbers lenin vs stalin, lenin was much more efficient in killing people. only this western world pinko utopia (spread by stupid fuckers like chomsky) portraits lenin as this "good guy".

even more: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4514217.stm

the revission of the history in the past 12 months by neo-soviet officials just proves that nothing really changed . once a commie, always a commie. and soviets/russia never apologized to any of the coutries for any of the atrocities they commited. they also never apologized for killing thousands of people in hungary in 1956, in czechoslovakia in 1968. nor for killing their own citisens.

Edited by glassgowkiss
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if you look at the numbers lenin vs stalin, lenin was much more efficient in killing people. only this western world pinko utopia (spread by stupid fuckers like chomsky) portraits lenin as this "good guy".


Word. thumbs_up.gif

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if you look at the numbers lenin vs stalin, lenin was much more efficient in killing people. only this western world pinko utopia (spread by stupid fuckers like chomsky) portraits lenin as this "good guy".


Wladimir Ilicz i Josif Wissarinovicz z odnoho polja jahody. Prokljati czortyni syny wony oboyi. Cur jim ta djadko. Merzavci.

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so you think there's absolutely NOTHING wrong here that couldn't be fixed? not the overwhelming influence of corporate interests on politics? not the ever-increasing intrusion of government into people's lives, etc ad nauseum? in your opinion the system as it stands now is absolutely perfect? if you think that, your feeble-mindedness knows no bounds. there is a reason for the phrase 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilance'. if you think there aren't forces (both liberal and conservative) working to erode your freedoms, you're a moron and no amount of your posturing and chest beating will convince me otherwise.

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so you think there's absolutely NOTHING wrong here that couldn't be fixed? not the overwhelming influence of corporate interests on politics? not the ever-increasing intrusion of government into people's lives, etc ad nauseum? in your opinion the system as it stands now is absolutely perfect? if you think that, your feeble-mindedness knows no bounds. there is a reason for the phrase 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilance'. if you think there aren't forces (both liberal and conservative) working to erode your freedoms, you're a moron and no amount of your posturing and chest beating will convince me otherwise.

all i can say: you totally ignorant fuckwad. no further comment. you are just one brainless fuck.

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foraker: at least i know some historical facts. and i don't go and change the subject out of the blue. simple.

so let me explain to you in simple terms:

-sheattle has a statue of a mass murderer- it's offensive to me and other people from behind iron courtain

-i don't like it

-this has nothing to do with other issues

-there is a legit historical background why i and people like me don't like it

fucking simple.

also simple- you don't know history and you keep repeating annoying slogans. now really fuck off, go and read some books moron. u are a primo example why school system is a disaster

ps do you read anything besides comics and cc.com as your news source asseyes moon.gif

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so you think there's absolutely NOTHING wrong here that couldn't be fixed? not the overwhelming influence of corporate interests on politics? not the ever-increasing intrusion of government into people's lives, etc ad nauseum? in your opinion the system as it stands now is absolutely perfect? if you think that, your feeble-mindedness knows no bounds. there is a reason for the phrase 'the price of freedom is eternal vigilance'. if you think there aren't forces (both liberal and conservative) working to erode your freedoms, you're a moron and no amount of your posturing and chest beating will convince me otherwise.


The problem, foraker, is that while screaming almost hysterically about the 'conservative menace' to our freedoms you are apparently willing to give a pass to leftists. Only when this logic-fault is pointed out do you grudgingly convict your side of the political spectrum.


From my perspective, I can't wholly disagree that there is danger from both sides...or that one day the political pendulum will swing too far to one side. But I do consider the left side of politics more insidious...eliminating personal responsibility/shame, installing moral relevancy, defining new law via a 'living, breathing' constitution, creeping incrementalism.


The right wing seems more overt....and, frankly, a lot clumsier.

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Fairweather, if my comments seem more leftist than that's my fault for rising to the bait more often on issues such as the environment that mean a lot more to me than most things. more often, i'm willing to let others such as yourself argue the conservative side of other issues. i admit, i'm not hard right. in fact, i'm more libertarian than i let on.

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