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Why does it cost so much?


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If you purchased every membership, pass and permit you would go broke. This is just a short list that I have come up with. I'm sure there are more.


Wa. and Or. Recreation Pass $85 annual

Sno-park permit $15 annual, $7 for 3 day, $3 day

Oregon Coast Permit $35 (this is a new one to me)

National Park camping fee's $8-$14 day

Mt St Helens and Adams climbing fee $15 ea or $30 annual

Mt Rainier Reservation fee $20

Mt Rainier climbing fee $30 annual

Lower Columbia Canoe Club $20 annual

Red Lizard Running Club $30

Mazamas $75 annual and $15 per climb for members

Portland United Mountain Pedalers (PUMP) $20 annual

IMBA $15

Portland Wheelman $30 1 year or $50 2 years

Portland Rock Gym $49 month or $539 prepaid for a year

Bicycle Transportation Alliance $30

Donating to various web sites CC.com, TAY.com and what have you.



This doesn't even include the gear you have buy, the gas money( I payed $2.15 a gallon today), Insurance for your car, HCL.gif and bigdrink.gif money. When will it end?

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I miss the days when you could just go to the mountains and just start walking. No permits, fees or other red tape crap. What is this Oregon Coast Permit, where can I find more info? This too is a new one for me. I have also heard that there is some kind of cross country ski trail fee on mount hood now. Anyone know anything about this one?

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so dont pay and burn the tickets you get. Tell all the groupies to piss off and start your own club with no addmittance fee.

note: when they start logging old growth because the lobbies have no money and the forests need money to run dont be upset.

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Why Does it Cost So Much?


One reason may be that the mentality of our consumer-based culture demands services from the government and private industry. Citizens may expect naively that the cost of those services are paid from existing tax revenues, but we all know that’s not how it works: taxes are raised or there will be a fee-per-use arrangement.


I’ve been party to the initial FREE use of several wild areas. We built and maintained trails, cleared brush, and policed for trash. As those areas became more popular, the pressures on the environment (& dwindling volunteerism) took their toll. In one area, the Feds came in with signage, trail maintenance, toilets, and badges (“best keep yer nose clean while yer here, son”) and included the area in an existing fee-per-use area. In another area, well, it’s so trashed that someone (government or private industry) will have to be paid to do the clean-up. Another area, on private land, is closed to the public. The owners extended gracious use to we initial users as we maintained their property and our rapport, but, again, as more and more people visited the area the behavioral, verbal, and material trash from visitors piled up on the owners and they did not need the grief.


People are self-centered and messy. The more of 'em that frequent an area the more expensive it is to accomodate 'em and wipe their asses for them.



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The idea of a fed pass that lets you go anywhere sounds better and better. I would pay 150$/year for that. If for nothing else just to not have to deal with the hassel about keeping track of what I need to buy for my next trip.


It really feals like there is alot of new passes lately. I wounder who approves all this. I would not think that they can just introduce passes at will.

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I would not think that they can just introduce passes at will.


Vee vill eentrrroduce vatt evvar vee vant, joo viper off udder peepulls bottoms!


Maybee vee eentrrroduce hour feet to yore assss next! ...und charge joo a fee vor eet!


AHHHHHHH HA HA HA HAaaaaaaa...... evils3d.gif

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Oregon Coast Permit? OK, fine I can deal with that if they install some f***ing heat so the women will start bearing some skin....


Honestly, there are way to many damn fees. At Timberline last winter I parked, walked up and bought an annual snow park pass got back to the car and I had a ticket already! I didnt pay it but I sent them a letter with a photocopy of the pass and explained the problem....

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Coffins are expensive.


Well that is why when i die... which could be any minute or so, i want to be burnt into ashes. I think that will just be rad! Now hopefully my head will come off in some terrible accident and never be recovered.


Fuck I doubt I could even have an open casket hoe-down when i die. snugtop.gif

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Coffins are expensive.


Well that is why when i die... which could be any minute or so, i want to be burnt into ashes. I think that will just be rad! Now hopefully my head will come off in some terrible accident and never be recovered.


Not as much as you may think


Fuck I doubt I could even have an open casket hoe-down when i die. snugtop.gif

Costco Caskets wave.gif
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