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Dude, I'm scared now!!! cry.gif

Fear is our most basic instinct. Politions know that well.

Blame everything on the terrorist and forget about muggers, rapist, murderers, drunk drivers, road rage ect...

I am way more likley to die in a trafic acident than a terrorist attack.

The Department of Clownland Security at the ready to waste our hard earned money and hand out fat contracts.


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I got a fairly extensive exit interview in Singapore by the local police before boarding a plane that was eventually bound for the US, courtesy of the Department of Clownland Security. Your tax dollars at work. There were like a dozen agents doing this sort of work on our behalf, with our money.


Don't these Clownland asshats realize that the bad guys are not going to use planes again?



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Chicken and egg argument, same as most other security measures. They won't use planes again, because we are watching. If we weren't, they would use them. You do it so they won't use them - exactly. Is that proof that the security measures are working or that they were unnecessary to begin with? cantfocus.gif

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There was a great article on Frontline a few weeks ago where they showed winners of the Columbia Jounalism School Awards. One of them was from some TV reporter in the L.A. area. They had some low-level radioactive material put in a lead suitcase and put into some furniture from Malaysia. It was shipped in a container to Singapore, then to L.A. No one ever check more than the manifest, which just said furniture, and the seals on the shipping container were never broken.


The container was put on a truck bed and driven into L.A. The best part was that once the DHS was notified they made idiots out of themselves by claiming they knew the material was there, but that it was not of any concern. Huh? And then they raided the houses of a reporter, cameraman, and a nuclear expert used to consult on the project. Most of the DHS is a bunch of arm-waving.

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