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Rather than going to a shrink, Ill just utilize spray. Feel free to try and defend your psositions if you disagree. The recent speach given by our president has made me upset.


GWB Evil.

GWB Bush is not Christian.

Christians don't pick fights.

Any Christian that thinks Bush is for their religion is wrong.

GWB is a liar. Christians don't lie.

GWB showed nothing but a need for self success outside of Government. Christians don't do that.

Anyone that can't see through his lies and manipulation is either a) stupid b) blinded by their faith c) scared d)think that he is a defender of the material world they live in.


At least 90% of people that say they are Christian in this country are not.

Christians don't shoot guns.

Christians help those in need even if they are gay, on drugs, need a job, need health care, are democrats, this doesn't seem to be what I see going on.

Christians don't go to war.

Christians don't own corporations.

Christians buy poor people food before they buy themselves a new car.

Christians help the old reitred people pay for there prescription before they buy a new playstation.

Christians don't own TV's.

Any one that says they are a Christian that does any of these things, are not.

You can say all you want, believe in anything, but actions speak louder than words folks! Do you think your God is going to be forgiving just because you believe in him. Dont be stupid.


GWB is going to screw up this world. We do nothing about it. We sit and watch until its too late.


If you are truly Christian, then you would not support this president. If you do, in my opinion, you are not what you say you are.


Believing in your faith is not enough. You must live it, else you are not.


I am not a Democrat, I am not a Christian. But I find it interesting when half the people in this country call themselves something they are not. I myself am guilty of this.


GWB is weird. The Inaugeation speech was weird.


I'm done. Thank you for your time. cantfocus.gif

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I'll probably get flamed for this one, let me try to explain a little more. I didn't watch the inaugaration, and I'm not going to try to defend Bush. Billcoe or anyone else can dislike him and his policies as much as they want. I can't tell you for sure if Bush is a Christian or not, that's between him and God. But it seems like Billcoe is setting pretty high standards for the behavior of Christians, not allowing much room for making mistakes or using poor judgement of being "human." Seems kinda easy to do that if it's a faith you admit to not believing in, then you can easily sit back and criticize anyone who professes belief in that faith if they don't live up to your expectations. Okay, I'm done. Flame away.

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A hypocrite is one who doesn't practice what they preach. If you don't preach anything you can get away with alot because you don't hold yourself to any standard.


The question is whether it is better to have a standard but fail tomeet it, or not to have a standard.

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A hypocrite is one who doesn't practice what they preach. If you don't preach anything you can get away with alot because you don't hold yourself to any standard.


The question is whether it is better to have a standard but fail tomeet it, or not to have a standard.


And an important corollary:


It's easier to overlook the shortcomings of your friend than of your enemy.

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Those are just more sins to confess and be forgiven for. As long as they say "sorry" in the proper way they are completley absolved. hellno3d.gif


I've been troubled by how hypocritical christianity (especially born agains and charasmatic christians) behave for years. The only faith that I've found where people truly try to live by the golden rule is budhism. The current form of christianity being displayed by the Shrub is completely devoid of compassion for anyone other than his "base" aka corporate America.


thumbs_up.gif Bill I share many of your sentiments.

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And yet the Bible condones situational adultery (David amongst others) and child abuse/incest (Noah's daughters seduce him after the flood).


and scorched-earth annihilation of your enemy (Joshua).


but the old testament is superceded by the new.


And the new testament is superceded by the Koran...or are you saying incest and adultery are still ok for Jews, just not Christians? rolleyes.gif

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Those are just more sins to confess and be forgiven for. As long as they say "sorry" in the proper way they are completley absolved. hellno3d.gif


I've been troubled by how hypocritical christianity (especially born agains and charasmatic christians) behave for years. The only faith that I've found where people truly try to live by the golden rule is budhism. The current form of christianity being displayed by the Shrub is completely devoid of compassion for anyone other than his "base" aka corporate America.


thumbs_up.gif Bill I share many of your sentiments.


what a load of biased BS rolleyes.gif


Whatever dude. I formed my opinion after being an active member of a fairly middle of the road christian church for 6-7 years. I got tired of seeing little scandals in that community of a few hundred people, where no consequences were imposed as long as they said "sorry, I guess I was a bad Christian. But I have asked for forgiveness and I know God has forgiven me." I also got tired of the way they treat other people who do not walk their exact talk, people of other faiths and non-believers. I finally got so disgusted by the hypocritical holier than thou attitude that I walked and have not looked back. If that makes me biased, so be it.


Maybe your personal experience is different and your OPINIONS are BIASED by that experience. Think about it.

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