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My personal favorites: The North Cascades Conservation Council,



They are not at all doing what they originally set out to do, and IMO not a worthy group to support if you want to be able to access the backcountry. As a former Greenshirt (and I mean that with the utmost respect) I'm surprised you'd endorse the NCCC after how the treat Palleck and the current NCNP admin in their propaganda.


Edit: Skeevix, I PMed you. wave.gif

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My personal favorites: The North Cascades Conservation Council
They are not at all doing what they originally set out to do, and IMO not a worthy group to support if you want to be able to access the backcountry. As a former Greenshirt (and I mean that with the utmost respect) I'm surprised you'd endorse the NCCC after how the treat Palleck and the current NCNP leadershipadmin in their propaganda.
Blake - Outline your beef with NCCC, I'm curious to hear more about it. I know they've been critical of Palleck re: land exchanges in Stehekin... but what else do you disagree with? My biggest beef with them is that they focus too much on the Stehekin Valley.
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Most of my charitable contributions last year went to mountainspeedclimbing.org. I really appreciate their objective and unbiased reporting of what is going on in the speedclimbing community. You can ask to have your donations earmarked for special projects, like "office equipment" -- apparently they only have one computer for all of the people working there, which I guess has caused some confusion in the past.

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I'll think about it. I hear they're also looking for spare stopwatches.



BikeWorks is a low-key, local nonprofit that deserves some notice. Based in Columbia City (neighborhood in Seattle), they help kids earn bicycles by repair old and donated cycles. They also have an international program where they help supply old bikes to Ghana. It's worth checking out. thumbs_up.gif

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Blake - Outline your beef with NCCC, I'm curious to hear more about it.


I'll chime in. I've only read one of their news letters but it is very ANTI-ACCESS for everyone. If I remember correctly the entire article was about flood damage to the Mtn Loop Highway and how "we" need to make sure it doesn't get fixed.


There was an article by Harvey Manning (sp?) that pretty much bashed everyone who hiked faster than he did, rode a bike, climbed etc. Came across as a real bitter, crusty toad.



My take on it all was...


NCCC is not the recreationists ally!

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Earth First! is different from other environmental groups. Here are some things to keep in mind about Earth First! and some suggestions for being an active and effective Earth First!er: First of all, Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. There are no "members" of Earth First!, only Earth First!ers. It is a belief in biocentrism, that life of the Earth comes first, and a practice of putting our beliefs into action.


While there is broad diversity within Earth First! from animal rights vegans to wilderness hunting guides, from monkeywrenchers to careful followers of Gandhi, from whiskey-drinking backwoods riffraff to thoughtful philosophers, from misanthropes to humanists there is agreement on one thing, the need for action!


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