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Horne Lake beta


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my favorite:


Bob drank twenty gallons of water. Then he urinated on his neighbor's lawn. "I'll get you for this!" shouted Bob's neighbor.


This angered Bob, so he urinated on his neighbor and ran away. The next stop was the local firestation, where the old ladies were playing bingo. Bob urinated on the cement floor, splattering about ten old ladies. Then he ran to the well with the little boy that had fallen into it. He urinated into the well, soaking the boy good. The boy cried. Bob fled the scene and started urinating on everything he saw. He urinated on a bush. He urinated on the dog that was also urinating on the bush. He urinated on every ant he saw crawling on the sidewalk. He watered a garden with urine. He went into McDonalds and urinated in a urinal in the restroom. He urinated on french fries. He urinated on a Big Mac. He ate a different Big Mac. By this time, Bob had emptied his giant bladder. So Bob bought a small soft drink and got 87 refills. He was ready to urinate some more.


Bob urinated in his pants. He urinated on more ants. He urinated from a roof. He urinated like a goof. He urinated on the walls, on the floors, on the ceilings, and on the doors. He urinated on punks, he urinated on drunks. He urinated on men, women, children, and pets. He urinated until everything was wet. He soaked the ground, he soaked the sky. Nothing in the world was going to stay dry. The rivers flooded and the oceans grew. The world turned yellow instead of green and blue. The North Pole turned yellow. Just like lemon Jello. The ice all melted from the heat of his piss. and flooded all but Mount Everest.


This is where Bob lives today, alone. He is king of the world now called Urine. Pretty soon he will begin devising a plan to undo the damage he has done. Until then, he will just have to hold it or he'll flood Mount Everest's peak and drown.

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Yea, for your slow thinking, baked on dope hyppie brain, it means I climb harder then you. Is this so hard to figure out?


Dr. Flash Amazing is many things, not all of them good; however, DFA doesn't touch the weed, is a punk rocker not a hippie, and is anything but slow-thinking. The Doctor, additionally, could not be bothered to give half a shit about how hard you climb, which is hopefully above your decidedly low level of verbal communication.


In any case, you are cordially invited to piss off.

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tsk, I see you're obsessed with a guy name Bob. I hope you're a chick (do I need to finish this thought?) You have a lot of time on your hands and your literary skills are outstanding. Why don't you put these two into a good use and instead of spraying here -write a few letters to land owners, so we can keep climbing areas open, Of course you have a little problem with your mental stability, but they don't have to know that.

Really- the issue here is- people are trying to go the closed area and screw things up for everyone by their acctions. So be a selfish, ignorrant bastard living in a dream world. You can call me Bob, if it makes you happy. Shit I don't care. What I care about is, that climbing areas like Horn Lake and others stay open. Think about it dickhead.

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Originally posted by climbmachine:

And if this happens I WILL BE VERY ANGRY (and few others too). It's the greates climbing on west coast, but don't fuck it up for everyone else. As i said- I would be VERY ANGRY and you don't want to deal with me when I am angry.

Hey flash, good joke. I hope it is. because if not you might change your name to FLUSH, when I shove your head down the toilet (after I take a shit)and pull the handle.
[Moon][Moon][MR T]

Yeah, and you know all about mental instablity firsthand. Who are you going to threaten to shoot this time?


[ 09-04-2002, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: tsk tsk tsk ]

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whatever tsk. As I said- you can do something about the access issues or be another dickhead. The choice is yours. I see the direction you're choosing. Arguing with you is a complete waste of my time. You are a loon, obsessed with conspiracy theories, a waste of brain power with too much time on his hands. I am out, feel free to post any bullshit, this site has no legit content and is full of crap. I am not surprised we can't keep areas open since a climbing community is over-run by idiots like yourself. This is a pure crap!


[ 09-04-2002, 04:14 PM: Message edited by: climbmachine ]

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Originally posted by climbmachine:

So sexchocl. do not go there. You will endanger the whole negtiation process. And if this happens I WILL BE VERY ANGRY (and few others too). It's the greates climbing on west coast, but don't fuck it up for everyone else. As i said- I would be VERY ANGRY and you don't want to deal with me when I am angry.

Hey flash, good joke. I hope it is. because if not you might change your name to FLUSH, when I shove your head down the toilet (after I take a shit)and pull the handle.
[Moon][Moon][MR T]

So this is how you expect to build cooperation?


How's this for cooperation....



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Ahh sheeesh. I should have read the rest of the posts first, before going off on the fine climbing machine. I risk sounding like I'm joining the bandwagon!


It's just that I don't like being threatened by some jackass I don't even know, and who doesn't have any idea about what my eventual plans might be. But let's just say that if Horne Lake has spigots like the fine climbing machine for spokespeople, my chances for respecting whatever they might say become decidedly lower.

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And here I'd thought Feck was CPB reincarnated. *sigh* That guy has all the charm of a rabid snafflehound. [sNAFFLEHOUND] Thing is, cooperating to secure access to a crag is a great thing, as I'm sure ya'll agree, but who can resist sticking a pin into the self-inflated? Well, I gotta go contemplate what a piece of crap I am, boo hoo.

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Mr Off White,


I really don't give a shit about cragging on Vancouver Island; though I'm sure it's fun.


I'm only interested on trashing people on my shit list. Neither you or Sexy fudge has the honor of being on my list, but if you play your cards right you might be one day.


But just in case you think I might have a little good nature.


Bite me Looser [Mad][Mad]




[ 09-04-2002, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Feck ]

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Hey Feckerhead, ain't you just the cheerie camper.








short dick

pin head


just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of you. Eat shit and die!

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Heywood..... Judging by your name you are a retard frat boy.


I'm sure you will make someone a fine bitch in prison someday.




[ 09-04-2002, 08:25 PM: Message edited by: Feck ]

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Ah yes Captain Caveman the ultimate CC.com wanker.


You try and make up for your shitty climbing skills by hanging out with Fred Beckey. You love Fred don't you, "Look everyone I hang out with FB."


Deep down what you really want is for Fred to shove a marmot up your ass. You sick fucker, trying to take advantage of an old man.


Lame Ass Fuck



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Damn ass. All I wanted was some goddammd beta for Horne Lake. Shit. Look at this mess.


And I still don't have it. The website someone gave me says the "no climbing" sign has been taken down, and cars won't be towed during the day. Sounds like the climbing's on, to me....


BTW, what the heck is this little feck's problem? Alright, I gotta admit, the becky marmot up the ass was kinda funny (nothing personal, caveguy), but shit, he's busted in with 8 (eight) posts, and every post is the same silly vitriol. Who thinks they're being funny, tuff, glandular, hormonal, patriotic, etc., hiding behind this facade?


And, are you sure you didn't forget the "-less" suffix on your name? It would make it more fitting....

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