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Kurt Smith/Access Fund slide show


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Hey, folks. Come support the Access Fund and catch some slides 'n' spray with Mr. Kurt Smith. Good opportunity to join the AF if you're not already a member (why the hell aren't you already a member?), and a chance to win shtuff at the raffle, enjoy some photos, and help out the Fund.


Info: http://www.accessfund.org/events/events_events.html

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Didn't say that. Didn't say I don't support their activities in other areas either--just that I am not a member because they don't do anything here.


Then again, I don't hear a lot about the Access Fund working in Washington or Alaska which are a couple of the "other" areas I do climb at.


I tried to get involved with them on the Madrone closure. Sure, they'll say they are working on it but the evidence speaks for itself: no activity in several years.

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Originally posted by rbw1966:


Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

why the hell aren't you already a member?

Because they don't do shit in Oregon.

Wait til a crag you enjoy climbing at is at risk of being shut down. Or better yet, join the AF and help ensure that crags you like aren't at risk of being shut down. Plus, the AF does do shit in Oregon; providing resources for the Spring Thing at Smith comes to mind, as well as Adopt-a-Crag day.


Not to mention that as climbers, the only group looking out for us is us. It doesn't help any of us out if we all say, "well, I'm not helping out state X because here in state Y everything is peachy." That kind of attitude isolates and weakens the climbing community, and limits our ability to function cohesively.

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DFA, that's much like the reasoning behind being a member in good standing of the NRA. They are the ONLY real lobby protecting our right to keep and bear arms. I have friends that push Ducks Unlimited and yet are not NRA members...what's up with that? If one is a climber, one should be a member of the AF.

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Originally posted by Thinker:

you certainly don't need op. thumbs to use a firearem. consider the time honored technique of commiting suicide by pulling the trigger with your big toe. guess that could be difficult with webbed feet, though....

dude, i find your avatar picture quite disturbing. please warn me before posting again. thanks, trask

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i have little supprt for the access fudd in itself...i am sure it does great work somewhere esle...


but a couple things....i have tried to join thruogh their website, but only get errors.


and i have seen such little activity on the fee demo program and in my opinion that is a major issue affectting not only climbers, but all outdoor enthusiasts...


maybe they do ghood, but i have never been convinced ebough to give them my money...

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Originally posted by trask:

dude, i find your avatar picture quite disturbing. please warn me before posting again.

for a real thrill click on the 'profile' tab. the detail in the larger image is amazing.


[ 08-29-2002, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: Thinker ]

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Check out this link and crunch the numbers for yourself:

Kurt's 2001 tour summary


Kurt did 68 events across the country in 2001, and brought in a whoppin $24,000 for the access fund. (That's an average of $353 per event for those of you too stoned to divide.) And depending on how much the sponsors kicked in (RockList.com, Ropegun, Rock and Ice, and Black Diamond, etc.), each one may have been a net loss for the AF (compared to if the sponsors had donated directly to the AF).


Now I certainly haven't raised even a single dollar for the AF, and with all due respect for the man, his tour appears to be a big climbing roadtrip he can write off.


Hopefully it will catch on and take off here, generating a little more $$ in 2002.


[ 08-30-2002, 09:51 AM: Message edited by: Thinker ]

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