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Vantage / Frenchman's coulee silent hero's


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A flatbed truck full of Dave Matthews Band trash was taken out of the camping area by a group of climbers this weekend, these are the real hero's of climbing thumbs_up.gif

As always the climbers that camp at the coulee take out more than they bring and clean up whenever we camp there.

Unbelievable what that 3 day DMB concert did to the camping area thumbs_down.gif

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Oh Coulee, Oh Coulee, we're finally back......

With chalk bags, rock shoes, and dreams in our packs...

Yankin' and Crankin' in the sun with our friends, Oh please

dear Rock God bring us lots of new sends. Love the Moon and the stars and partying round the pits, but this political stuff is just simply the shits.

poem by Mary Hume

Our main concern is that we retain access to the climbing area and our camping. I believe that all climbers that love that area do their best and more to adhere to all climbers values. Pack out more than you bring in. Don't bust the Crust, and Admire and Adhere to what mother nature

has behoved us. We love and appreciate the area, and

please let us know, how we can continue to enjoy and help

keep this area open to climbers, hikers, and folks who

are just beginning to love our Washington's beauty.

Mary, Lucky's gal.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For the past few weekends bags of trash have been removed from the camping area 2 firepits were cleaned out last weekend.

When you camp clean up your area , if everyone helps just a little it makes it easy.

Way cool party with the canadians last saturday night thumbs_up.gif

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The fire pit camping spot known as Elvis rock by the locals was cleaned this weekend, unbelievable the amount of nails around that pit, the trusty big magnet on a rope worked it's magic , if I could just find a way to clean up all that glass.

Good party saturday night but we crashed too early from being spanked that day, LW was out to after 10 putting up a route by head lamp .... now thats a bold accent...hardest working dude in climbing thumbs_up.gif

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  • 6 months later...

RUMR sent me a link to a post on Ascensionist .com, a judgement about climbers, trash and the way the Frenchmans Coulee use to be.

Here are the facts:

I seen the trash and instead of talk'n about it I picked it up and hauled it out ,like 2 trashcans of it.

The way the coulee use to be ... well I have been spending the spring and fall over there for over ten years and know of friends that have given me the skinny from way back when. The place has been used for illegal dumping by locals for years and it will proably never stop, I remember before the clean ups, old trash barrels,car motors, untold nails from pallet partys and all sorts of illegal trash dumped there. If it where not for climbers the place would be a large trash dump.Proff would be ..go to Frenchmans Falls , look accross the coulee and look at all the trash where climbers don't clean up or climb.

Some people are worried about the loss of sage brush(after all we all know how endangered rolleyes.gif it is over there) and I don't even see a loss , the coulee seems to bounce back every year with new vegatation

The climbers that climb and camp at the coulee don't want to see development ( we like it rustic ) There are not that many climbing areas that you can camp and climb, lets all do our part to enjoy it for as long as we can . We can all do our part by takeing out more trash than we bring.


BTW the Hero with the flat bed truck is at the coulee Saturday.Maybe we can talk him into another trash haul thumbs_up.gif

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Thanks to John Crock of Hyperspud and his organizing effort to spread grass seed natural to the area last fall, the camping and surrounding area is much greener than usual this spring thumbs_up.gif

Andy and his band of Heros are willing to picth in and bring back the flat bed truck for a cleanup after the next concert season thumbs_up.gif

The camping area seems to be clean and green , the Echinacea Plant/flower is quite abundant this year.

The hawks are nesting at the far end of middle east wall, please avoid climbing there.

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F&W have a blanket closure of Middle East wall.

The proper signage is not in place and I don't think F&W really knows where they are nesting. If they drive by and see climbers climbing I don't think it would be good PR so please avoid Middle East wall untill the closure is lifted

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