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I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


Somebody needs a visit from the fatty blunt fairy.


Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick?

I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


yellaf.gif I want that one on video (and the aftermath). thumbs_up.gif

I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


Somebody needs a visit from the fatty blunt fairy.


Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick?


Wait, wait. I want to be there when you find out. evils3d.gif

I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


Somebody needs a visit from the fatty blunt fairy.


Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick?


Wait, wait. I want to be there when you find out. evils3d.gif


Tickets $5 a pop. Too bad it would last about 1.2 seconds. yellaf.gif

Posted (edited)
I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


Somebody needs a visit from the fatty blunt fairy.


Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick?


Wait, wait. I want to be there when you find out. evils3d.gif


Tickets $5 a pop. Too bad it would last about 1.2 seconds. yellaf.gif


Now kids, I'm not starting a fight. I've never met a person that I had a reason to fight. Just a question.


Chiznill people


Besides, I know Judo.


Judo know if I got a knife,

Judo know if I got a gun,

Judo know if I'm gonna run like a bitch.


cantfocus.gifWhatchugot? cantfocus.gif

Edited by fenderfour
I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


Somebody needs a visit from the fatty blunt fairy.


Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick?


Wait, wait. I want to be there when you find out. evils3d.gif


Tickets $5 a pop. Too bad it would last about 1.2 seconds. yellaf.gif


And prove nothing about anyone's opinion. rolleyes.gif I don't doubt Gotterdamerung could beat me up or worse, but that doesn't make him right, and since the world is full of people with that capability, it doesn't make him special either. The posture does make it easy to dismiss the person behind it as an asshole though, and for me it completely undermines the value of their opinion. Fear is not the noblest of human emotions, and Ares was always Zeus' least favorite child.


If you've hung around here long enough you know it's all about stirring up the pot. This has been a fun thread! I HIGHLY doubt there would ever be ANYTHING worth actually fighting for emenating from this board. My ancestry is Norse and the war Gods were the most highly revered. The Greeks were weak.


Now, if I see you getting violent at a protest march on the other hand...I will crack your fucking skull and not think twice about it.

Posted (edited)
I'd love to see someone on this board literally try to give me a kick in the butt. Truth is you all love talking shit but the ability to back it up is NIL. I'm waiting.


I'd love to see you argue here for once without inevitably threatening to kick somebody's butt. hellno3d.gif


edit: hey where did that last post come from! madgo_ron.gifboxing_smiley.gif

Edited by ashw_justin
Are you this violent and confrontational in person, or is this just some internet schtick?


He elbowed me in the chest the last time I saw him...without provocation. I think I got a bruise. Bwahahahaha!!!!! Mike's good people, man.


I think that the internet has led to a loss of understanding of the true meaning of words. People sit, completely anonymous, and spew shit, call names, and posture without thought to what they are really saying and how it is heard. When debates, such as the ones that crop up here, were had in past days individuals were more measured with their words becuase their opponent was right in front of them and they could see the reactions to what they said. It doesn't seem to be that way anymore. Say what you intend to say. If you intend to threaten Gotterdamerung, or Robbob, or Caveman, or me for that matter, understand that it will be taken as you say it. Understand the measure of your words.




actually controversy IS what keeps it all fun. Hell, I'd love to have a good round of vintage mudslinging between caveman and the perennially-offended allison, for instance...with trask on the sidelines providing the color. hahaha.gif

actually controversy IS what keeps it all fun. Hell, I'd love to have a good round of vintage mudslinging between caveman and the perennially-offended allison, for instance...with trask on the sidelines providing the color. hahaha.gif


Exactly. It's ALWAYS been the battle cage. Sometimes its neccessary to carry the argument into territory where people get touchy. That's when it gets interesting. BillyGoat is a good dude, Scott Harpell is a good dude, GregW, Caveman, JGowans. Keep it real.


GD is getting retired as of today. You'll have to figure out who GD morphs into at a later date.


I'm the stranger....killing an Arab...


Now, if I see you getting violent at a protest march on the other hand...I will crack your fucking skull and not think twice about it.


yellaf.gif You know I'm all pacificist and shit, I'm not likely to be slinging bricks at anyone, you're most welcome to remind me if I ever cross that line. Anyway, any mob bigger than a moshpit tends to make me anxious, so I avoid them, and I'm contrarian enough I won't do what the vocalist tells the audience, much less chant in unison with the masses.

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