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Kerry in Vietnam


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...a book the Kerry camapign believes is the "the dirtiest of all dirty tricks ever played on a candidate for the presidency."


But yet, the timing of F9/11 isnt a dirty trick, especially when the controversial film-maker sat front-n-center in the 'Presidential Box' next to Jimmy Carter during the DNC first night.




Here's my question for all of you who think Kerry is a war hero: If this book is false, where is the outcry and lawsuit from John Kerry? If it's a lie, why has he not cried libel?


Kerry will fold like a house of cards very soon.

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Are you kidding Greg? That's a pretty stupid argument.


The Kerry campaign has spoken out against the group (like McCain). It's not libel because, well it's not libel. It's just the opinions of some people. Some people that didn't serve very much with or know very well John Kerry. rolleyes.gif

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McCain has "Vietnam guilt," and backs them on virtually evry trade dispute. Meanwhile, Vietnam operates a controlled economy and subsidizes its industry, in order to import $. They want to steal your job. And McCain will support them every time. He's a bozo.

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From www.dictionary.com:


li·bel ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lbl)



A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.

The act of presenting such material to the public.


So, if it's a lie, it's libel. Thus, wouldn't Kerry want to prove in a court of law that his recollection was correct? What would he have to worry about if HE KNEW his story was correct? Bottom line is that he doesn't. He's a fucking prima donna who got 4 months in and found out how to get out on a technicality.


Further, it is not simply "opinions of some people". It is the eyewitness accounts of several decorated veterans who WERE PRESENT AT THE ACTION IN WHICH KERRY CLAIMS TO HAVE SAVED THAT GREEN BERET'S LIFE. The recollection of each of these individuals differs from Kerry's. Another point, one of the authors was Kerry's machinegunner so, I think they served rather closely together.

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CJ, stick to the question. Why not? Kerry has made his service so central to his campaign, I would think he would fight to show his worth. It's good that he doesn't rely on his Senate service to prove his worth as a national leader. He missed 38 of 48 critical votes as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

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CJ, stick to the question. Why not? Kerry has made his service so central to his campaign, I would think he would fight to show his worth. It's good that he doesn't rely on his Senate service to prove his worth as a national leader. He missed 38 of 48 critical votes as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.


The media has made it central to his campaign - look at this website, there isn't that much on it there.


Who dear GregW, picked which votes were "critical"?

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No, CJ, the media had nothing to do with it. Kerry made it a central theme in his acceptance speech. It's all I've heard: "I defended this country as a young man..." and all this bullshit about being a war hero. Not to mention the fact that I've never met a vet who saw combat who even talked about it, let alone claimed to be a hero. hellno3d.gif


Wouldn't you say that any vote regarding the intelligence community would be critical? Especially knowing how our intelligence community has had so many problems over the past few decades. Any vote that deals with dollars, yours and mine, is critical. It's an extra responsibility to be in a committee, he should live up to it or decline.

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Wouldn't you say that any vote regarding the intelligence community would be critical? Especially knowing how our intelligence community has had so many problems over the past few decades. Any vote that deals with dollars, yours and mine, is critical. It's an extra responsibility to be in a committee, he should live up to it or decline.

You have no clue how committee's work do you? Committee's meet often, usually daily. Including when the Senate is in session. Member's will miss committee votes to attend floor votes, or vice versa. Member's very often misss votes because they've negotiated with the other member's - the outcome is already known.


See here to learn more:



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You heard Kerry say he has defended his country and took from that that he calls himself a war hero? Jesus, Greg, thats a mighty big leap.


Media has nothing to do with how you intepret the candidates huh. All your knowledge is first-hand? Man, wish I could say I have the same privilege.

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Kerry never called himself a hero. I just dont get how you guys can critisze the man for trumpeting his achievments. That's like saying george bush shouldn't be talking up his job growth while president. oh yeah, wait, that didn't happen. well whatever positive he thinks he has done.

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The numbers are still down quite a bit from when he took office. Latest numbers for this month (or quarter, whichever it is) also showed a sharp decline in growth. bad for jobseekers, good for getting him gone.


I really don't think it's for us to judge if they are false or not. Give me a break, everone on his boat says he is a hero, and other random people says he is not. should we go back and check everybody recipient of the silver star and make sure they *really* deserved it? I would take anyother vietnam vet at his word.

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His machinegunner doesn't think he's a hero and his gunner had two tours under his belt.


In any event, I don't see how we can say he is a lying non-hero any more than he is a huge hero. None of us were there and obviously most anybody, his supporters or detractors, has their own agenda too.

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The report release this morning showed growth to be about 14% of the predicted level, or roughly 32k, when consensus estimates were for 225k, and the lowest growth level since December. Furthermore, the last two months numbers were adjusted downward by a total of 61k (which also happened at least one other month this year as I recall).


The economy is not humming along. If you believe those job numbers are good, you should look at Wall Street's last two sessions....a 300pt decline in the Dow, almost entirely driven by the jobs report. Add the oil situation (which had already beaten the market down this week) and you have some convincing signs that all is not well on the economic front.


I also find it curious that last month they chose to use the business survey numbers to report unemployment, while this time they chose household survey numbers. Especially when you consider this little nugget: "July's overall gain was the smallest since December and well short of the 150,000 or so jobs economists say need to be created each month just to keep pace with an expanding labor force and ensure the unemployment rate doesn't rise."


Check it out: http://biz.yahoo.com/rb/040806/economy_11.html

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This is the sleaze the GOP is good at. They can't tout the service of their guy so they have to windup the slime machine. The guy served, was decorated, and was praised by his boat mates.


Stooping to the the character assignation via innuendo throws more light on the authors of the tactic than their intended target.

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