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IF YOU HAD TO DO JUST ONE CLIMB...I'm looking for recommendations on a route that combines alpine/glacier travel and grade III+, 5.6-5.7 multi-pitch climbing in the Cascades. I have five days towards the end of August. Let me have it!

(Your time and advice will be rewarded in the afterlife)

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I'll second the Std North Ridge of Stuart. It's worth french freeing the 5.9 and 5.8 Gendarme pitch if you can't quite free climb it, it is a much better finish then the variation.


Second...would be Forbidden Peak, any route.


You don't need 5 days to do either climb, but there are other good climbs in the area of both Mountains that would make for a good multiday adventure.


Both are serious peaks and not to be underestimated...definately not a place for the first time alpine climber.

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how about Black Peak NE ridge

Shuksan Fisher Chimneys

Johannesburg N face wink.gif


I mean really though. If someone is asking the question then they probably dont even have the selected guide but they won't understand any of our answers so they will have to buy the guidebook anyways.


With that in mind I would say to hell with the Cascades, come to Vancouver, fly in to Red Tit Hut and spend all 5 days bagging peaks in the Tantalus Range.

Edited by Alex
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I mean really though. If someone is asking the question then they probably dont even have the selected guide but they won't understand any of our answers so they will have to buy the guidebook anyways.


True, but still, it doesn't hurt to welcome new guests here, you never know...mybe they ARE just as cool as you...


Likely someone from Philly visiting the Cascades for the first time has never heard of Jim Nelson, his guidebooks, or the KTK.


Anyway, have fun...that's my moto bigdrink.gif

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Mount Challenger, Challenger Glacier

Only Grade II, but the approach will make you think it's more. Snow/ice to 30deg, glacier travel and 5.7. It will take you up to 5 days.


Remote alpine adventure. thumbs_up.gif


NE ridge of Triumph has about four moves of 5.6 on mediocre rock and doesn't really have any glacier travel. It looks aesthetic as hell from far away, but loses some of its appeal when you get on it. Really good views of the southern pickets though. thumbs_up.gif


Another option would be to go to Washington Pass and do one or two awesome multipitch rock climbs on beautiful granite each day. If I only had five days in WA and wanted to primarily ROCK CLIMB as opposed to walk on snow, that's what I'd do. It's sort of "alpine".


edit: What the hell is the KTK? confused.gif

Edited by Alpinfox
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Likely someone from Philly visiting the Cascades for the first time has never heard of Jim Nelson, his guidebooks, or the KTK.


dude if i go to a new area i research it first... then i ask questions after i have some clue. hahaha.gif

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Listen...Let me put to rest those suspicious of my intent or critical of my approach.


I'm new to this site and thought I'd reach out for the opinions of other area climbers. I have extensive climbing expereince here and abroad and numerous trips to the Cascades. I consulted guidebooks but nothing replaces the first hand expereince of local climbers. Climbers that I view as some the friendliest. I hope this helps... And for those that provided their choices...Thanks!


But Dru, what is really going on with you? I'm sorry if I bothered you. I don't have 20000+ posts and play pac-man video games.

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ok, chosskid/wass, here's my rec for the perfect north cascades sampler. everything on this list is pretty popular already, so i'm not worried about whether or not you're a troll or a magazine writer in disguise:

day 1: hike up to boston basin & establish camp

day 2: climb w. ridge of torment and start torment-forbidden traverse. bivy halfway along.

day 3: complete traverse by climbing w. ridge of forbidden. descend to camp in boston basin.

day 4: cross over sharkfin col, cross boston glacier and climb n. face of buckner. cross upper horseshoe basin, hike up sahale arm and summit sahale peak. descent quien sabe glacier to camp in boston basin

day 5: back up to sharkfin col and climb sharkfin tower, descend to camp and hike out.

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