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Matt Maupin


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You're right I should have kept my opinion off the thread. The guy was an Army PFC who has been missing since early April when he was taken hostage after a convoy ambush. He is being reported as another brutal murder by Arabs of an American. Shot in the back of the head on video, and remains unknown. If he really is dead than R.I.P. Matt Maupin, and if this was a ploy by terrorists to create pain for his family then I hope the terrorists are condemned to eternity in a hell we can't even fathom.


Either way, Matt Maupin we are thinking of you and your family.

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Whatever ploy it is, it's a stupid one because it just gets everyone enraged no matter what their opinion is on this war, ready to kill those guys. No one's backing off when people get shot in cold blood.


I also don't understand why they bother to show themselves on those videos but wear huge wraps to hide their identities.

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I believe the reason is that they represent terrorist entities operating inside the country and by revealing their identities they not only put themselves at risk, but put their organizations at risk. It's a bit like the old dot com ploy of presenting on the face your company as large and well staffed when in reality it was some dude in his basement reselling server space at a huge markup. I assume some of these terrorists reinvent themselves every week to give the appearance of large networks when it is probably the same 5 murderers over and over. Spreads fear and creates intelligence miasma.

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Burn that fucking city to the ground.


Because that's just what Osama and every other 3rd World Turd Terrorist wants dipshit.


The best way to win a guerilla war is not to antagonize the population - unless your willing to go all out Boer war concentration camps. Bombings been a real success story for the Israeli's hasn't it? 20 years of success. Of course we could pull a Reagan and run away.

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It's worked before, hasn't it...dipshit.


I'm tired of people like you worrying about "inflaming the Arab world" and carrying on that "the best way to win a guerilla war is to not antagonize the population". In case you haven't noticed, the middle eastern world seems to be in a constant state of inflamation whipped up by the Islamic extreme.


Regardless, I'm not sure history has validated your theory. We put down post WWII Nazi uprisings (in 1947) with public hangings. I'm not saying we should "nuke" anyone here, but I am disgusted that we loosened our grip around Fulluja only to have our moderation met with a higher level violence. It is obvious to me that this particular city needs to be weeded....or plowed under.

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It's worked before, hasn't it...dipshit.


Regardless, I'm not sure history has validated your theory. We put down post WWII Nazi uprisings (in 1947) with public hangings. I'm not saying we should "nuke" anyone here, but I am disgusted that we loosened our grip around Fulluja only to have our moderation met with a higher level violence. It is obvious to me that this particular city needs to be weeded....or plowed under.



If you don't care the difference between "burning a city to the ground" - your words - and public hangings, I'm not going to bother anymore. Lately all you seam to post are trolls anymore (see numerous Access threads)


I don't give a shit about inflaming the Arab world, but if your going to inflame it, win. Pussy footing around is the same crap you gave Clinton shit over. Hence my comment on Concentration Camps - they were the way the British defeated the Boer Commando's.


The Israeli's haven't seen much success over the past 20 years from their attacks (unless random terrorism is acceptable to you).

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However, the Israeli's have engaged in a policy of deterring attacks, and have maintained strict guidelines about how hard they hit Palestinian targets. Try not to forget that they are fighting for their existense. It is easy to armchair quarterback from the isolation of the US.


Fallujah and the surrounding areas are now an Iraqi problem and it will be up to them to determine their best course of action. I think the US has demonstrated a great amount of restraint in our responses to the insurgent uprisings that are occurring. The problem is that these uprisings are largely being funded by Syria and Iran. Neither of which has any interest in seeing a free and democratic Iraq backed by the US.


Anyway, Maupin has largely gone unnoticed in the media and I feel like it is a shame to have downplayed this young mans plight which I'm sure was a horrific experience for a young American doing his duty as a soldier. The continued assassinations of Americans is something that needs to be examined closely. It demonstrates resolve on the part of our enemies while we idly debate the merits of the Iraq war.

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Maupin has largely gone unnoticed in the media and I feel like it is a shame to have downplayed this young mans plight which I'm sure was a horrific experience for a young American doing his duty as a soldier.


Actually, the story of his killing is being circulated in an AP story. It came up on my Earthlink startup page in the headlines section.

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BUT, Kerry is not IDLY debating the merits of the war, he is busy jetting between his many luxury mansions :


Because GW "Joe Six Pack" Bush, vacations here:


There are alot of good reasons to criticize Kerry. Because he's a rich New Englander just paints him like .... Bush.


Yes Israel's fighting for their survival. No it's not easy, except for armchair quarterbacking. Destroying a country's economy and breeding a group of disaffected unemployed young males ripe for terrorist recruitment I consider counterproductive.


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Are you implying that the Kennebunkport place is owned GW? ...Even when you know it belongs to Bush Sr.? Clever use of the language Cj. Michael Moore would be proud.


On the other hand, Kerry owns five estates/vacation homes worth over 35 million dollars and owns nive vehicles including a few SUV's. hellno3d.gif

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